Harrison Voorhees

You mean, take the 1970s out.

Congratulations! You completely missed the point of this post.

You must be fun at all the parties.

Read Russian driver. Un-hased by a meteor raining a fireball of death and UN-phased. The driver probably drive the rest of the way ether home or to work.

I call BS. The seat isn't brown.

Cool car bro, but I watched the whole video and didn't see a single flame spit. You'll be hearing from my attorney.

Ford Windsor in a Sunbeam Alpine.

Tesla Model S. Classy for a wedding, an interesting vehicle that will be a good conversation starter, and hoonable to a certain extend. Just make sure you can charge it somewhere.

No YOU'RE a towel!

Get a driver, and show up in the back of this bad boy

A classic Ferrari.


Deuce and a half. They're pretty cheap to buy, too, owing to the fact the government made them for about 45 years straight.

A herse.

It's the new answer to every question. Sorry, Miata.

Honestly I have low expectations considering Gran Turismo 5. Mind you I'm a 360 and PS3 owner (as well as all the previous consoles), but Forza seriously felt alot better than Gran Turismo. AI was the only thing that sometimes felt a bit sharper in GT5.

All those extra cars they throw in are generally garbage cars no

Friends of the victim also said he was just a good ol' boy never meanin' no harm.

"He who is last shall be sideways and smiling."