Holy mother of posts Batman!
He had ample opportunity to merge before that. The right lane wasn't backed up very far. He just chose to drive all the way to the front of line to get in front of everyone, as he apparently felt he was entitled to do. And honestly, if he'd put on a turn signal to indicate he wanted to come over, I'd probably have…
That reminds me of the time I was driving my X5 and came upon a construction zone. The orange barrels were forcing my lane to end and merge into the right-hand lane, which is only used by diseased hippies and Obama supporters.
Hah! I just had a BMW incident this weekend. Came up to a construction zone where the left lane was closed (and signs indicated this for the past 2 miles). The light turns red and I end up right where the barrels end the left lane. Sit there about 30 seconds while 5-6 people line up behind me. A guy in a BMW SUV pulls…
Why was a study needed? There was enough proof here:
Best use of a "stock" car.
Leh Keen's lemons in-car video.
Not WTCC's finest moment.
I'm seventh!
This has always been the best one. Even before it happened.
Rallying in Ireland. It gets better from about 1:30...
For fucks sake, #3 is not an SRT4, I thought we were a community of enthusiasts and we can't even distinguish between a base Neon and an SRT4!?