Harrison Voorhees

I saw another headline about this on a different site complaining of these drivers' "poor sportsmanship." Sportsmanship is a stupid word used by out-of-shape pundits and people on couches who have never driven competitively. This is the drivers' livelihoods. They're living within the realities of the series. Blame the

was there really any question?
Ferrari F40.

Alfa Romeo 105 coupe. Preferably a '71 1750 GTV. A once-in-a-lifetime blend of class, vivaciousness, manners, and thoughtful reserve. In many ways the more common and more usable equivalent to the still-glorious Sebring.

Ferrari 500 Superfast

I'm definitely tasting 7 layers

The Lamborghini Islero is by far the most tasteful car and it looks even better in person

TasteFUL, not tasteLESS.

Clearly you uncouth, unwashed masses are all deluded. Behold, the only ride suitable for an individual with class, taste, and means.

Ferrari 250 California. I mean, let's just be honest here, it's perfect.

Lamborghini 350 GT

I dont know much about taste, but I heard you cant beat a Rolls

how can car decade old still get 9/10 on exterior.

Those fucking support wires make me crash my jet all the time. Its not fair.

View from the side with door open. This is what you buy if you have a large family and never go on the highway and can't afford much gas.

Mercedes Sprinter 509 CDI

Greatest drift car ever? Check. Most beautiful country in the world? Check. Sanity?.... Sanity? Did anyone pack the sanity? Oh well, she'll be right, ay?

Now playing

A tale of perseverance, anguish, and revenge!

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights
with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with
silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of
Put out my hand, and
touched the face of God.