Harrison Voorhees

I think this is definitely the best looking and my favorite full size pickup.

Holy shit, 32 feet of travel?! =]

I'm not blinded at all by his numerous reckless drives or his silly risk taking in his helicopter. I also find them to be shameful on his part. The difference is, I'm not being a cunt about it. If you think a crash to win ratio and a terrible accident are the only defining factors of a man's character and impact on

For the love of all that is good in the world why can I not build and price one on their website?

At Eilson AFB outside Fairbanks, AK you can drag race a squad of F/16s down highway 2 whenever they take off. Just did this a week ago. So awesome.

6. Think you're a jet and jump off cliff to chase F-18

about $115

honestly, probably

I completely understand the analogy, it's just wildly untrue.

No, you're a cunt for the way you go about expressing it.

This is fantastic.

This is absoultely inline with the Spirit of Colin with less crashiness.

Read any of his replies on this topic. He's a cunt. Through and through. Colin was one of the nicest guys on the circuit and arguably the best ambassador the sport had ever seen.

It still makes me smile and it always feels like someone's chopping onions when I watch this video. Travis said it best, "Dude, Colin McRae is straight up a god."

You just compared rally driving to darts. I don't think you understand either sport.


They prefer "escorts"

Did anyone notice the police officer pull out a bottle and drink it at 5:45. Made me giggle at the irony. Although I'm not exactly sure what's in it, it didn't really look like a water bottle to me.

But think of the Bond movies it could spawn!!

I wonder if people write thank you notes to the people that hand-built their engines. I think I would.