Wii Fit Trainer main here; I feel your pain.
Wii Fit Trainer main here; I feel your pain.
Not when Nintendo keeps throwing these existential curveballs at us!
Hang on, what’s this about Janelle Monae having one direct link to Sam Rockwell? This feels like there’s a movie I absolutely need to see.
Sometimes we eat the sweet cereals like candy. I was literally doing this a week ago with my Monster Mash. No one drinks milk through a straw, to my knowledge, though.
Fine, I’ll do it too:
Look, I’m sorry, my dog doesn’t just hate black people, he hates everybody that doesn’t live in my apartment. Or cats. He actually loves all cats. Also, he’s a miniature schnauzer and he’s scared of literally everything, he’s not a threat to anyone, I promise.
They are going full out to try and get people to support Pearl, aren’t they.
I paid for it, I was working part time and was bored, I wanted to give it a full playthrough to be fair in my judgement, I tend to be a person who gets a limited number of games and replays them over and over again. Honestly, I beat the thing with 100% completion in less than two weeks, so I was still riding a little…
Because it’s honestly really easy to. I love the Metroid series, but I am by no means a master at them. I’ve played Metroid Prime an innumerable number of times and have never gotten 100% completion on them. I’ve tried so many times to get 100% completion on Zero Mission, but I’m just not good enough at some of the…
All of this.
Honestly, yeah. That was exactly the right amount of gameplay additions to make it feel more like Super Metroid and Zero Mission, and the artwork is drop dead gorgeous. When I first started it up, I was slightly overwhelmed with how incredible a feat it was.
Oh no, I did not think of this. I throw out “man”s to people to express familiarity if they’re someone I’ve met before in the same situation; I say it to staff I recognize (if I’m the customer) and customers I recognize (if I’m the staff).
I don’t have the Switch (yet), but I can’t see myself really wanting to take it with me outside. If there’s a Smash Bros. eventually and you can play with good controllers on the go, then maybe I’ll take it with to my one friend’s house (but we’d both probably rather just play on the TV at my place). I can, however,…
The article calls Link/Zelda the de facto ship, but I’d honestly argue that. Of the games I’ve played (not nearly all, I’ll admit), only two have really had Zelda/Link as an emphasized couple, while the games themselves way more frequently ship Link with Zora girls (also, I got strong vibes that Medli was crushing on…
I find rain, particularly thunderstorms, to be the best time to fight groups of enemies. Not only can you sneak up on them closer without them noticing, but in a thunderstorm, you can Magnesis a metal object, like a shield or sword, into the middle of a group of enemies and let the lightning do your work for you. I…
Honestly, no, this is all perfectly American and democratic. Faithless electors are an element of the electoral college process, electoral voters have voted against their state’s popular vote before (it usually happens on an individual basis, but one time all 23 voters representing Virginia abstained from the Vice…
Take that all those people who say that Pokemon Go players don’t have jobs!
Well, if you see this movie in 3D, you’ve got the glasses to cover you (and the 3D is actually good in this. I don’t normally see 3D, this was an accident, but it turned out to be quite good). But I’ll say I cry at most animated movies and this one didn’t actually make me cry somehow.