
@billysan: My God, yes. Bay isn't raping my childhood with these movies. Pray he doesn't get a hold of Beast Wars.

@Golem100: As much as I love Han's blaster I don't think I could do that to a C96 now.

@Golem100: I still think there would be a market for aftermarket kits to gussy up popular civilian arms to look like famous science fiction guns...after all its how a lot of the props were made in the first place. I think something like a High Point carbine or a Kel Tec Sub 2000 could make a good M41-A on the cheap.

@Golem100: There's also the matter of the short barreled shotgun slung underneath.

@Golem100: Someone should really just make a plastic furniture kit for a Ruger 10/22 or something.

@Golem100: Two NFA items in one. Be prepared to pay a heck of a lot more than $900, plus taxes, paperwork, and bend over for the requisite probing by the BATFE.


@im.thatoneguy3: If by noodling around you mean dealing with multiple themes and generally not being a one trick pony then yes both Caprica and TSCC did that. Its a shame that a lack of myopia is a death sentence for a show these days.

@WookieLifeDay: I didn't like any of the pre-Nolan Batman movies. As for BSG "kinda goofy" is an understatement. I can see how people who were around for the original feel nostalgic for it, but looking back with no fuzzy feelings it was terrible.

Why does it always feel like networks enjoy kicking us in the rocks? Pulling Caprica's plug under the circumstances they did was bad enough, but handling the rest of the episodes like this feels like disrespecting the hardworking people that worked on them and by extension the fans that enjoyed them.

The only reason for a reboot/remake is if the original squandered a promising premise. Eg. Batman or Battlestar Gallactica.

Trees need to sack up and stop all that bitch ass bellyaching.

Now playing

I liked Star Trek XI despite its obvious flaws and my determination to hate it, but I chalk a lot of that up to Leonard Nimoy. Yeah, Kirk was a total douche and there were plot holes that could swallow the Enterprise whole, but Nimoy brought a link to the spirit of Star Trek and some much needed maturity. Without

Dammit, I waited two seasons to start watching Fringe so I wouldn't get fireflied again. Something is rotten in the Fox Network.

@Byers: Awesome. Thanks.

It won't play for me. :(

I only wish April wasn't so far away. I want to see it this weekend.

@Pants McCracky: What about Hellstrom's Hive? POS if there ever was one.