
@bakana: I just looked and good lord you're right. I didn't know a studio had the right to recall its dvds.

Yet another proof that my theory of "everything is better in space." Sex is good, but sex IN SPACE is better. Excruciating death sucks, but excruciating death IN SPACE is cooler and thus better.

@tristam.green: Not Manos by a long shot, but not worth my time either.

@tristam.green: Nuking the fridge was just one small part of why Indy 4 sucked so hard. I'd list the other reasons, but the other 98% of the movie was just as bad and I don't have the time.

I wasn't going to watch this show because of my general distaste for JJ Abrams, but the glowing reviews of it on io9 convinced me otherwise. I'm almost at the end of the first season and I'm really digging the characters and a lot of the episodes are really tight, but I'm getting the feeling like its pulling a Lost

@Xombiekat: As one of the uninitiated trying to break into mainstream comics I'm totally picking up what you're laying down. The old readership that consumes this crap is a dwindling market and if they don't get some new blood soon it will be disasterous. I thought they had recognized that fact when I read Allstar

@beefmalone: And your "Lord Obama" has not repealed the Patriot Act.

@Steve Williams: As a US citizen the patriot act didn't do a damn thing to my right to a speedy trial or habeas corpus, it did make me subject to roving wiretaps which needles me a bit, but doesn't put me in any danger as I'm not part of any criminal enterprise. The most controversial aspects of it were removed in

The Kyoto Protocol can suck my ****. Its just one big circle jerk for libs in developed nations so they can feel good about themselves without really doing anything.

@Steve Williams: What are you saying with that second part? That no democrat has been involved in the curtailing of freedoms or that the Patriot Act is the only such example? If so why did 145 Democrats vote for the Patriot Act? And I'd say the little and not so little infringements upon our rights under

@Dan Sabato: It shouldn't need to be said and if someone's commitment to the democratic process is so weak that they need to be needled by celebrities to place their vote I'd rather they'd just stay home. There is something called an absentee ballot, so not being in your hometown really is no excuse.

@lunchcoma: Exactly. I always use TNG as an example of this. The first season was abysmal, and that was back in the day when a season meant 26 episodes, none of this 12 episode bs. After seven seasons though it became a classic, if not THE classic. Its a shame, because while it dragged and bit I thought Caprica

@Captain_Tripps: If by "quite a few" you mean one then yes, yes they did. The only one I can recall is Stargate SG-1. I think you may be confusing this with the number of times people wish Syfy would save a show canceled on another network and nothing happens.

@lunchcoma: The cancellation itself isn't what's bothering me. I can't very well expect a network to bankrupt itself to produce unprofitable shows. Its that Caprica was doomed from day 1. The network hamstrung it and made the task of drawing enough viewers to be financially viable impossible.

@Rhino Cremeans: That's the problem, shows like Ghost Hunters and Scare Tactics cost next to nothing to produce so any amount of viewers equals profit.

@lunchcoma: I can and I will blame Syfy. They've sabotaged it from the beginning with numerous lengthy hiatuses during its infancy. Its 18 months since the pilot and we've only received a trickle of 11 episodes. It seems a pretty cut and dry case of a network not allowing a show to build an audience or find its

What. The. Frak.