
This is one of those things I don't get about comic continuity. How can you reboot Batman in his own book without it effecting the dozen or so books Batman is also in while still keeping the story cannon? For that matter what is the relationship between the dozen titles Batman is in?

@3in1Doctor: See that's the thing about Lucas: he always surprises you. Just when you think he can't sink any lower, he does, so don't count him out just yet.

@Lex Luthor II: Its because if they weren't whining they'd be super villains.

@strategy5659: If we didn't make preemptive decisions based on first impressions we'd spend our entire lives watching crap we could have guessed that we were going to hate and saved ourselves the trouble.

This must be Simone's revenge for Cry for Justice #2.

Kill Chloe and Scott removing near 100% of the show's high school drama in one swoop. Then bump Greer and Major Rack up a few notches to fill Scott's place.

@Eridani: Carter was just about as flat as a character could be. I'd take any of SGU's cast over here any day, even Chloe.

Kill Chloe. Fingers Crossed.

@Eester: There needed to be a memo about that? I thought it was common knowledge.

@RocktheDebit: It wasn't that mirror Spock had more of a moral compass than the rest of the crew, it was that in any universe Spock is inherently logical. He didn't move the empire in a more peaceful direction out of compassion, but because he recognized its brutal tactics as ultimately self defeating.

@HalOfBorg: The DS9 episodes set in the mirror verse confirmed that Spock turned the Terran Empire around, but the alien races took the opportunity to enslave the human race.

Fools. Aliens already touched down in Roswell in 1947 and continue to hold regular meetings at Area 51 with the cabal of business executives and military generals that have secretly ruled the US since the invisible second American Revolution.

@Maldron: I was so bummed out when I didn't see what came next, but at the time I didn't have cable and was watching them at a friend's house so I thought I just missed it.

@Darius_Roberti: Because Rusty's mishaps are mostly harmless, while Lex falls under the category of world peril.

@Zuli5: @Adam-H: That's exactly my point Supernatural was supposed to end after five seasons so that's where the main storyline ended like when B5 thought they were going to be canceled so they crammed their climax into season 4 only to be left with a season of leftovers in season 5. Prediction: Season 5 of B5 =

I think they pulled a B5; blew their wad on the big throw down a season early and are left with a season full of afterthoughts.

@drummrx: Or make it a trilogy with Superman's origin story and Brainiac comprising the first movie, Darkseid as the second movie's antagonist, and Doomsday and the death of Superman as the third.

@drummrx: My vote is for Darkseid. Doomsday is just a mindless creature, but Darkseid is a match for Superman intellectually as well as physically.