
@Pope John Peeps II: The Nazis already had pretty cool bikes made by BMW in real life, they should have just used those.

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@TheDarkWayne: This one is wicked cool, but the ones that have been shown on TV have been pretty lame.

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Not to mention the super sweet ODST live action commercials.

@Lassus: Amen, comic fans have to realize that these movies will always be adapted to appeal to a wider audience because a studio is not going to blow $45 million just to make a handful of hardcore fans happy.

@Wrathernaut: I don't see how one is more valid than the other. So that leaves them as even on the Sci-fi count and District 9 still being the better film.

@Alexis: "Are You Now or Have You Ever Been...?" is a great place to start, but Season 1 had its moments too. "I Will Remember You," "Five by Five," and "Sanctuary" come to mind.

@crosis101: While it is undeniably cool I just can't get behind it. It may have been entertaining, but '09 still causes too much cognitive dissonance when I try to file it under Star Trek in my mind.

I'm not hating, but I have no desire to see this new incarnation as the original left me satisfied on the whole premise.

@ak4ray005: Life on Earth was here before us and will be here after we're gone. Just because the Planet is undergoing changes doesn't mean the planet is dying. The environment changes, it happens all the time, organisms adapt or die, deal with it.

@TechnoDestructo: Oh I'm undone. Who's making excuses? I'm pointing out how ridiculous that critique is. So the only way for you to enjoy a movie is if its perfect? I don't envy you as I don't think I've ever seen one that is without flaws.

@TechnoDestructo: This guy just makes my point. He makes the connection to "epic nerd" himself and most of his criticisms of the movie are that it isn't exactly like an episode of TNG. As for the myriad of nitpicking continuity stuff that this guy harps on, that's one thing it has in common with the TV show. Has

Utopia's cliffhanger was pretty awesome and one of the only times Doctor Who has managed to really capture my interest, unfortunately everything that followed it was disappointing.

Nerds go on hating First Contact, but the fact remains it was an entertaining movie which told a compelling and coherent story; something which a lot of Trek movies fail to do. So they added something to the existing mythology, what were they supposed to, do just recycle an episode of TNG? And this is getting away

@theblazeuk: The mid-season hiatus is fairly new here, like within the last ten years.

@Darth Meow 504: Yeah, the game was created in 1987 while Heinlein's book was published in 1959.

@BIGE1312: I've tried it. Doesn't work at all.

@Cjay79: The human gangs that operated within District 9 were Nigerians and people got pissed in the name of political correctness.