"This year's new style, which drops the British intro and look for a more American feel"
"This year's new style, which drops the British intro and look for a more American feel"
Bu-bu-bu-buut my remote control doesn't wooooorrrrrrkkkkkk!!!!
2 things I love about this video.
Okay, I'm just coming over here from Jalopnik to say that we are all kind of in love with this.
Changing spark plugs.
It's even more amazing because he's doing it on a Harley.
I am so glad we have dashcams in police cruisers protecting both police and citizens. I can't think of anything else I'd rather have in every police car than a camera. Maybe if it was constantly streaming to a secure area so the tape couldn't be 'lost' or 'damaged'.
"Oh good, they're finally gone. Man, I thought they'd never leave."
Nicely done
You are missed, Macho Man.
I just posted on his facebook that he is "famous".
That's going to be an interesting report.
Good one, David! Here's a redhead who agrees with you!
"the grace of God"
Not a bad idea. I mean, how complicated can they make a train with I-Drive?
1st Gear: Anyone else think that the front of the SSC looks like what the next gen Ferrari would look like after the F458? It's almost like Shelby snuck in to Marinello and hit the Xerox machine before running for the airport.