Half the Wheels - Twice the Fun

Yeah, but those were pretty rust-prone, weren't they? And I thought they had some kind of weird open ladder frame that basically rotted out underneath the truck.

Expedition is a little more rare as far as sales numbers, and I don't think you want to have to whip out the welding torch on occasion to get stuff to fit.

I can holy hope this helps a bit:

Ford F 150, in as stock as you can get it.

It's a meme running rampant through the site this week. I wanted to jump on it late enough that it's annoying and groan-worthy, but not so late I look like the Ashton Kutcher of Jalopnik.

Figured a 24 hours of Lemons race would be on here. I'm sure those whackjobs would accept some help in the pits, right?

Can't believe that was the same company that brought us this...

Yeah, I was about to say - the snowplow may have been ugly, but this thing was worse. They wanted to SELL this.

Matt, you need to post the next story on Jalopnik to be about a bundle of puppies found on the side of the road and given to children. Orphan children. Who then went on to win Nobel Prizes.

Hah! Although I doubt Stoner has any.

Kinda. It's been a while since material sciences classes, but whenever you have energy passing through a material and it gets to a terminus, it tends to do some wonky things. Basically, the tire hits the canopy, the energy wave travels outward. If it gets to an edge in open air, it could buckle the screen to the point

Myth Busted!

Okay, that had me chuckling.


I like it. I like to imagine this is what really fat people look like when they find out a Hometown Buffet is opening nearby.

Oh that was clearly an innocent racing incident. If Schumi wanted to be aggressive, he'd make no bones about it.

They're not exactly being punished, but when one team has a runaway season, the FIA tends to look down on that because 'it makes for bad TV'. When Button won his championship, he (and Rubens, his teammate) were having runaway races due to having a double-diffuser on the car. It wasn't technically 'illegal', but it

Interesting follow-up if that's the case. Nice work digging that up