Half the Wheels - Twice the Fun

The danger isn't really from the rain, but from hydroplaning the cars. They only sit like an inch and a half above the ground and have completely flat bottoms; enough water and the car turns into a stone skipping across a pond. Only worth a few million dollars. And going about 170 mph. And with a person attached.

*Half' thinks about what he'd do in a rebel situation like this...*

Wow - okay, changing my recommendation to this. Now if only I had hours of free time and the knowledge and tools to build this thing.

I've been looking around for a journal like this online, but haven't been able to find much. I'd love to see a blog or something of someone building a kit car, just to see how much he/she alienated his/her family and friends. Because I kind of want to do that. The former, not the latter. Okay, maybe a little of the

Hawk HF 3000. It's a glorious thing; bonus points for the rally set-up. It's the one kit car that makes me wonder if I can set aside enough free time to make one.

That'd be hilarious if they were forced to keep circling the area trying to remember where they dropped it off. Like they were looking for their keys.

Man, that guy in the jersey is an asshole

Ray Wert should be played by a CG Chia Pet who's voiced by Russell Brand doing his best impression of Bob Woodward.

Hunh, sounds surprisingly like what I do. Only instead of camo pj's they're just normal pj's.

Well yeah - but it's essentially a plug-in hybrid. The details may differ, but it's not exactly the 'revolutionary' product idea that they originally had.

I could never be in the military. Half of my time would be going against the instructions given, the other half would be - 'Hey everyone; I know we're all thinking it, but I'm just going to say it. That was badass what we just did there.'

The more I read about the Leaf, the more I'm impressed with the Volt. Sure it ended up as just a plug-in Prius, but Chevy at least knew what they were getting into and made a car that can actually function in the real world.

I do say - is this how busses are forced to mate these days?

What did Mr. Topknot think was going to happen? The driver is wearing a Jaguar branded shirt and driving gloves.

Welcome to the world of tomorrow!


Did you see the most recent episode? When he and the Sushi guy were yelling at each other I was laughing my ass off.

Why no one eat my shitty chicken?

I really like the Juke's looks, but I'm somewhat insane.

6 episodes?