Half the Wheels - Twice the Fun

Hey, if an online petition could get "Serenity" made, I have no doubt it'll get this done too.

I'm sorry, but watching Eddie Murphy be Eddie Murphy in a movie as ridiculous as "The Golden Child" made that an enjoyable experience. He sold out in the best possible way and was essentially parodying what he would become.

He's a skeevy nerdy white guy with 'czar' in his job description leering with a bemused smirk that will haunt my waking nightmares.

It's an age-old stereotype with the Italians being concerned with 'wine, women and song', not really a difference of opinion. There's an old joke about it that goes:

And there goes all the years of PTSD therapy....

Anyone else notice that because it was an SUV, there was enough clearance for the kid to be alright? Because if it was that Prius in the next lane instead of the Exploder, things would turn out muuuuuuch differently.

I've been doing graphic design for years, and I find it's broken up (by and large) into 2 camps.

So car buying just became a game of golf, then? You want that number to be as low as possible.

From the resident comic of this site, that means a lot.

Thanks! I appreciate that!

Hey, I'll try anything at least once. And if it tastes terrible, I can make bread out of it.

The reason it's funny is because of the juxtaposition between what is considered the 'normal' viewpoint as represented by the German, American, and Japanese characters. The Italian car designer plays into a stereotype of Italians being more concerned with the 'finer' things in life like women and wine. The fact that

A star would've been nice - ah well, looks like I have to try harder...

Wow, to quote Axel Foley, "That's a big bitch."

Wow, I figured it was genius, but it was so good the word 'genius' needed extra letters? Awesome!

Hey thanks! I appreciate that

I bow to the master.

Are those alligator boots? I may just club him over the head and steal them.

Hah, thanks! I love that commercial