Hah! Thanks guys!
Hah! Thanks guys!
An American, German, Japanese, and Italian car maker were all sitting in a cafe in Italy one day, talking shop.
Still looks like a douchey...douchie...douche-like thing to do, regardless of the sport.
It was a spectacular race, but at this point I'm starting to think it's going to be reminiscent of when Button took his world championship - a race for second place.
I bet England is just jealous as hell of our police chases.
I love this pass. You can hear him cut the engine and tap the brakes going into 13 and deciding to tuck under Rossberg to pass on the outside going into 14. It's that instantaneous thought of visualizing the path forward as he was going realizing it wasn't going to work, and then trying something completely different…
I'm sorry, but the fact that AOTD comes back on the post asking us about what we want to drive in the end-times...
Having done branding and logo design for years, I'm sorry to say this is how it works.
I have a spot on my tankbag for my iPhone.
Nope. Awesome during a thunderstorm. For some reason, riding is the most fun when sensible people think you're crazy for doing it: weather, off-road, whatever.
And Lexus sponsors the post that says Audi sponsors Stephen Colbert's sailboat.
I'll agree Webber is the better racer; but I say Vettel is the better driver. You can see the differences in qualifying versus raceday; when Vettel is qualifying it's like he's pushing the car past the point of what it can handle and still keeping it on line, but sometimes that bites him if he hangs his neck out too…
It reminds me of that episode of the Simpsons when Mr. Burns had all those baseball stars on his company softball team.
So Nascar is like a retirement home for F1 drivers?
I know a few VW nutjobs in my area that I could sell that to for twice that amount.
dot dot dot