@kg18t: "Rice for Rednecks"
@kg18t: "Rice for Rednecks"
I really hope I'm senile enough when I get older to look like that when I play GameCube.
@Se7en_speed: Oh it totally was.
"...these amazing vehicles were all ordered brand new from the factory and delivered to the owner who, for some unknown reason, never drove them."
@Adam: Wasn't there another one with Diane Lane where a car actually got 'hacked'?
I made that same face when I unwrapped one of the presents at the wedding and it turned out to be a 'sex kit' for the wife and I.
@Triborough: Seriously. I love the movies, but a chase scene between a DeLorean and a VW Bus would be the most boring thing in the universe.
Does anyone ever wonder what happens to the Libyan terrorists in the middle of an American Mall 10 seconds after they crash and don't die?
This is totally going to be the plot of an annoyingly crappy hollywood 'hacker' movie.
Yeah, sometimes I get this bored too.
@SantaRita: Isn't there some EU thing about all cars made in Europe need to have a 'hybrid' model or something? Because a 4-wheel KERS would probably do it.
Okay, does no one remember Conservation of Momentum?
And now they'll duel one another in dramatic fashion. Each one
This has got to be the first sign of the apocalypse. All hail Cthulu! Praise the Old Ones!
Do F-Zero next.
You guys are really pushing this FlairHair thing, aren't you?
@Alfisted: No, it's the anniversary one. I don't own that one, I own one from the year before it, but I would love to have the anniversary edition. Along with a cafe racer. And an old Honda Cub. And a....(this goes on for about twenty minutes).
@rotaryfreakjoe: Hehehehe
@worthless_cos: *golf clap*