
Yup – I said this somewhere else upthread, but if you have to split hairs about the specific kind of underage people you think are OK to fuck, you’re already wrong and should stop talking immediately.

They know women, too, but they don’t give a shit about Trump bragging about serial sexual assault. And since they had Phil Robertson — of “start grooming girls young so they’re under your control before they can defend themselves” fame — speak, they are apparently A-OK with child molestation as long as the victims are

Man...there’s a lot to unpack here. 1) Milo is a victim of at least one sexual predator and he has skewed his version of reality to claim that HE was the predator and NOT the adult in the situation. This is heartbreaking. 2) He continues feeding the stereotype that gay men (specifically) are sexual deviants and enjoy

Welp, you’ve just ruined “3 ways” by invoking Milo, Shkreli, and Cruz.

I think part the conservative shock is Milo is talking about young boys being molested by men. I think there’s a significant percentage of people (not just Republicans, although I wouldn’t be surprised if the percentage was higher among Republicans), who think that while it is wrong for a man to molest an underage

Well, at least CPAC says they’re against the evils of sexual abuse of children. It’s good to have that cleared up.

CPAC...what a bunch of special snowflakes. Lets see if we can get them some therapy dogs and bunny gifs bc Milo triggered them so badly.

God, even their logo is repulsive.

Oh, look, the conservative right is violating the First Ammendment rights of Free Speech hero and champion Milo! The horror! Where will this PC/SJW/Liberal Bleeding Heart bullshit stop???

Trump and Yiannopoulos. These are your people, right-wingers. The cream of your crop.

CPAC members don’t know any Muslims, people of color, feminists or immigrants. They don’t care if you harass [dismissive motion] those people.

I mean, Trump is going to speak there too. Edit: I get the joke but I do think it’s worth spelling out. He’s an adulterer who has kids with three different women. And he’s bragged about sexual assault. And bragged about walking in on naked teenage girls.

The Conservative Political Action Conference... or NAMBLA as it’s better known.

Interestingly enough they were apparently super cool with all his racism, misogyny, and transphobia. They had no problem when he called a Black woman an ape, or when he doxxed and risked the lives of trans women. They had no problem when he went around making false claims that trans women are just predators in

Maybe they just never saw the reports about Trump repeatedly mentioning how gorgeous Paris Hilton was when she was 12? And the underage sex parties in Moscow?

That’s what you get for having a professional troll as one of the faces of your movement.

Instead of postcards, I’m going to start mailing paper snowflakes to Republican members of congress. Write a letter on regular paper, then enclose a hand made paper snowflake.

Standing up for what they believe in. How un-American.

They were warned. It was explained to them. Still, they persisted.