Jk Rowling rocks. She has been vocal in the criticism of you know who.
Jk Rowling rocks. She has been vocal in the criticism of you know who.
I love that she called out the “graffiti” bullshit, too. Like, if your neighborhood’s biggest problem is bored teenagers with spray-paint then you have it pretty good...
lol. Someone must have changed the channel to USA, because I just watched a Burn Notice.
There is so much Potter-esque shit happening in the US right now.
Queue the Donald Trump tweet about those people being so nasty to her. Bears!
Even the organizations and lobbyists that support the voucher system hate her. Literally no one seems to support her except for the private schools that will be raking in government money. Republicans really screwed up on this one.
White guy holds Black Lives Matter poster while white woman, who I’m willing to bet dollars to doughnuts would beg to differ with that sentiment, is aided and comforted by black man.
She’s going to see it as savages needing to be tamed and she’ll see it as a mission from God to lead them into the light. Thats the only reason I could imagine why she’s put herself in this kind of position....shes got to see this as some sort of ‘mission’.
You just fucking know DeVos got into her van after this and said to an aide “I just don’t understand why they don’t like me”
forcibly turned away by protesters Friday when she attempted to enter a DC middle school
In my opinion a shit animals are equal on the evolutionary scale of shittiness. They just bring their own special something.
“You’re really not going to like this part: The President, under the law, is exempt from the conflict of interest laws,” Chaffetz said to one attendee. Though it’s a line that Chaffetz loves repeating, it is not really true.
Just stopping in to say Jason Chaffetz is a shit weasel.
Poor Jason Chaffetz, he really thought he was going to have a very different job.