
Until celebrities with endorsement deals actually walk away from those deals, all this is merely theater and stalling. They’re all hoping it’ll die down and people forget or are distracted by the next horrid realization so their bottom line isn’t affected. If they truly believed these principles, they’d walk.

(And I

The only way his name could be more white and Southern is if it was literally “Old White Guy III.”

Forgive me for nitpicking, but it’s Jefferson, not Jeffrey, Beauregard Sessions. He has the two most Southern names ever right there.

It’s telling that an official so shitty on civil rights is such a big fan of local control of police departments.

Easy, they’re going to replace those icky migrant workers with red-blooded American employees paid legally with the minimum wage, right? They won’t need “illegals” anyway, because true American patriot employers would never cynically exploit their workers’ undocumented status to increase their own profits, right?

White nationalism is fucking expensive and it doesn’t serve us any good. It is a damned fence in the middle of nowhere. I was that money to be spent on nice things I can use, like medicaid or filling in pot holes.

How fucking stupid do people have to be to fail to realize that their highly skilled, underpaid, migratory workforce is going to be the first on the chopping block? Because Ag labor is skilled labor, not something that a bunch of desperate, out of work suburbanites can learn in an afternoon. And not something a bunch

I went to Fresno for a wedding (ceremony was in Carmel) and the whole drive all we saw were Trump signs.

This is nobody’s idea of “infrastructure spending”!

There was a Planet Money podcast where they asked the owner of a company that builds walls how much time/money/resources it would take to implement Trump’s wall. By the end of the episode his support for the abstract wall had waned once he had done a rough back of the napkin estimate for getting it built.

This was his first campaign issue!! Build a wall!!

I saw that earlier today, and I nearly flipped off my phone. That’s how pissed I was at their stupidity.

Check out the stupidity of this.

I can’t imagine any contractor would willingly take on this project. They’d be hounded in the press and there’s a distinct possibility they wouldn’t ever get paid. Also, how many of their employees (legal or not) are from Mexico? Especially if they’re already located in the area. I mean, maybe they could get

Are we sure that Bannon did NOT murder his own granparents, tho?

I openly snap at people when they watch Faux News at my gym because as of late I don’t care. When one guy thwarted me from changing the channel I loudly quipped, “Enjoy your propaganda asshole!”

Can we really be sure about all of these?

Bannon may be a bloated corpse full of toxic gas, but he never cut anyones head off!11!!!1

This chart has no meaning whatsoever.

I realize they are dead serious with this shit, but it just made me guffaw.