Fuck yeah. COMPUTERS.
Fuck yeah. COMPUTERS.
Yes. Sorta. Much of the “basic” design specs were publicly available, but from what I recall, some of the more detailed information was *stolen*. Perhaps someone can expand on this.
holy shit! You can buy dogs that bite Lena Dunham? Sign me up.
What about if they serve them spinach around Round 7, that seems to liven up Popeye/Bluto matches.
Little do we all know, MacGregor has spent the last 8 years developing a resistance to iocane powder.
People have tried moving against Floyd, but has anyone tried not moving?
Clearly his technique of standing flatfooted, in one place while telegraphing huge, looping hooks is going to do well against one of the most technical, defensive fighters in history.
There’s really nothing remarkable here. Lots of athletes take time out of their schedule to visit retarded children.
What a pair of knobs. Fuck em both, but fuck the asshole in the Sentra even more. Motherfucker tried to kill the biker twice. That shit is attempted murder. Fuck that cop too. Fuck everyone. Fuck me. Fuck this chair. Fuck solidworks. Fuck this mouse. Fuck punctuation.
Wow, the guy really will do anything to avoid writing new pages of Game of Thrones.
Yeah, the cops are just taking for granite that it was driven there.
“Take and eat; this is My body”
The dog had no choice but to eat baby jesus, he was sacrilicious
Easy answers when you don’t understand the breadth of the question. And unlike Republicans, I can care about human rights even if the issue doesn’t personally affect me.
From The Oregonian’s report:
We don’t know he was trying to get money from it. Maybe that ATM ate his debit card earlier that day and he just wanted to get revenge on the machine.
I have been incredibly impressed with the restraint people have in the face of these bigots. I haven’t personally come across anything like this myself but if I did I don’t know if I’d be able to handle it with any sort of class or calm. I’d like to think I would, but just watching this crap gets my blood boiling.…
Or let’s go completely crazy and use a ruler?
That bit of aluminium weld makes me a bit nervous, that doesn’t look too good, looks like there’s a lot of contamination in there. (I’m just going by what I can see in the picture, even without contamination, it looks pretty awful.)
He died from an arrow wound... but wasn't murdered? Self-inflicted arrow wound?