Harriet Sugarcookie

Can you hand on your heart tell me you think there was no implication? That unless they outright use the word nazi, no one would connect those dots? They've written and spun in in such a way that it leaves little room for misinterpretation.

He should be blamed. But he shouldn't be labeled a nazi which is what has happened and what has been pushed and what has caused the drama. This huge fallout isn't over him being stupid and insensitive.

I think he is at fault. I think he did a stupid thing, didn't think things through and offended people.

Well some people understand that some things are caused by more than a single party, and that those who contributed to the problem deserve to be called out as well. Because not all of us are intent on doing a witch hunt, and instead have actually thought about the situation beyond what we've simply read in articles.

Why don't you watch the video and decide for yourself? Perhaps it was "I can't believe that this is allowed to happen."

The action is bad, but the intent behind it wasn't. If people actually watched the video rather than take things out of context, maybe they would see that.

He uploaded the video because the narrative of the video wasn't the offensive content but rather the fact people will do ridiculous things for very small amounts of money - that there are ridiculous services like these available.

Have you watched the videos in question? Which acts do you believe he made with malicious intent against the jewish that went beyond the lines that family guy have crossed?

The video wasn't made with malicious intent. He did something to see if it would happen, thinking it would be too ridiculous to happen, then was proven that no, people will do things for money you don't think they should. He did not make the video with malicious intent against the jewish.

That wasn't the point of the video and people are misinterpreting it. He's pointing out the ridiculousness of some of the things you can get people to do for money. He apologises in the video itself, as he watches the video for the first time during the filming - he apologises because he never thought they would

You think he's an unfunny hack, but his 53 million subscribers would probably disagree with you.

These comments are insane. Did anyone here watch the video, or have you just been reading the biased news articles?

I was thinking an emphasis on the "hell" part.

It's ok, we forgive you. But seriously, I love this title too.