
The Republican nominee is Making America Hate Again.

To summarize: Trump scolds, bleats, sniffs (and lies, a lot.) Clinton’s a wonk. In comparison-- Jeb Bush was charming and relaxed, but he couldn’t stand up to a reality-show hack, so D & H advanced.

Elizabeth Smart got hauled out of her bedroom while thinking to protect her little sister and her family. Why shouldn’t she continue (or keep) caring about her impact on others? Why a tribunal tone here about a young woman’s abhorrence of porn, like “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” to a movie?

And they were: 1. He didn’t remember our incident. 2. He was married to his first wife at the time and they were having troubles. 3. He was seeing a psychiatrist at the time. 4. If the Weekly printed the article his life would be ruined and he “couldn’t go on.” 5. He has a new wife and this would ruin his marriage

“Trump is an unfiltered primal scream of the fragility and fear consuming white male America,” (NY Times, Charles Blow.) Does Trump think Roger Aisles will ride to the rescue and spin his dementia to make him palatable?