
Jezebel: Not all sex is OK.

Yes, you did. But you have nothing to respond with because you’re unable to counter it. You’re a poor thinker.

I get you need to throw insults to random people online in order to feel better about yourself, but try to calm down and hear some sense. Do you think the Secret Service was created to protect presidents from mean words? If so, that’s too bad. But if you do have some common sense, you’d understand that Secret Service

Right. So there hasn’t been a physical threat. Bravo, poor comprehender.

Show me evidence of an assassination attempt - not some random idiot posting bullshit online. Look, HRC can have Secret Service protection if she wants, I couldn’t care less. But lets not pretend that LIFELONG SS detail isn’t an extremely costly and mostly unnecessary expense for taxpayers, especially considering that

Since you’re so certain about the life-long threat, show me some proof.

21 Democrats (one Republican and 1 Independent) also voted against the war. It was a Republican-led effort that the conservative Democrats didn’t have the spine to stand up against. But Democrats like Ted Kennedy, Debbie Stabenow, Paul Wellstone, Ron Wyden, Barbra Boxer ,Dianne Feinstein, and others, voted against. htt

HRC has lifetime Secret Service protection.

Aimee - the Secret Service’s men and women are full-time employees of the U.S. government, and therefore get assignments during the course of their employment, not whenever a candidate asks for protection. The Secret Service has a fixed budget and protecting Sanders is not an additional cost.