
Along with wickedcupofjoe, how about there's a movie out that I'm interested in watching but due to emergencies/time/etc I don't get around to seeing it when in the theater (even the doller theaters). Having it all in one list is dead handy for checking it out at my own leisure.

Maybe its me, but my delete key gets way more use than the recycle bin. And disk cleanup does a splendid job of emptying it out on a schedule (once weekly).

Heck, the way we're going, Anne McCaffrey's Talent series (especially the earliest chronological ones that are actually still set on Earth) is looking more realistic, at least in the cityscape.

I'd agree that this doesn't prove Android fragmentation, but it does go along with the shortsidedness of the manufacturers. Seriously, a year old phone doesn't have enough memory to handle an OS that came out, what, 6 months (at most) after the phone? And the reason is because of the skin, not because of the OS

Go to Florida sometime and drive by one of the OJ factories. Guaranteed, there'll be at least one or 2 trucks hanging out on their ends.

After reading so many articles on how to buy a car without getting screwed, I'm glad I went with a manufacturer that did not have a culture of negotiating price. Some people would complain that I wouldn't get a deal out of it, but I knew when I walked into the dealership what price I was going to be paying, just from

I get seriously dry skin on the backs of my hands (worse in the winter of course, but summer still does a number on it). So dry that my hands swell, I get a rash and then ttasdI'm cautious about soaps/lotions as a result but Method's hand soaps are gentle enough to not irritate my skin worse (no matter how often I

clupas or culpas?

I love the tic-tac-toe bookcase (and it took me way too long to figure out what it was). I'd have to see what it looks like with books in it, but some of the letters seem more practical than others. What would be really neat would be to combine these with that trend a couple of years ago of arranging bookcases in

Heck, I do tech support. Between my IM client, email, ticketing system, and my browser (all items I keep up constantly), I'd hate to switch back and forth on things. Adding in the multiple other windows to create and terminate accounts would just make things ugly.

I'm being cynical here, but why would they bother reducing the costs to the consumers just because they don't have to pay as much? Its just more money for them to pocket.

Yet, that is AT&T stating that in 2-3 years, they'll match Verizon's current technology. The changes of Verizon not continuing to push forward during those 2-3 years is pretty slim.

However, if you have an account at XDA, its free over there.

My shirts that button all get hung initially unbuttoned and then buttoned while on the hanger (and normally hanging on a rack too). Of course, they're all laundered unbuttoned.

How does this compare to the Transformer, because I still believe that is the Honeycomb tablet to beat.

My Transformer(also Honeycomb), can't access the service for streaming, all else seems to work.

The screenshots are all from an iPhone, is this only iOS or can any of the other OS' play?

Well, when someone's on an flight leaving the country when they get arrested (flight risk), and the alleged crime occurred in a hotel room thats $3000/day (rich), what would you set as a bail amount?

Well, the reason its not possible to move to the SD card is because it really can't be moved. I tried and got the message of "this application is copy-protected". Its also not available to be installed on a Transformer (Honeycomb 3.0.1).