
Honestly, while normally I prefer subtitles to dubs, Miyazaki films are the ones where I want the dubs the most. I have trouble reading and absorbing the visuals simultaneously, so for animation as gorgeous as Miyazaki’s, the subtitles just take me out of the film. Plus, it’s not like the Japanese acting is so

My #1 gaming wish that I know will never happen. I’d be over all six moons for an SoA remaster (let alone a sequel!).

If I check it out, it’ll be because I really like Glover’s work (and Erskine’s, but I’m less familiar with her oeuvre). I’m guessing a lot of the audience will start in the same boat, and if it gets good reviews, maybe pick up some steam by word-of-mouth (which is how a lot of these types of streaming shows seem to do

Hadn’t thought about that one in eons, but suddenly I remember it clearly. Perfect ad.

Best part of the trailer.

Boy, we’re going hard with alliteration in that first paragraph, aren’t we?

He is what would happen if Michael Scott’s family owned an apartheid emerald mine.

I’m just so tired. So very, very, tired.

This sort of thing is utterly inane and normal legal procedure. I know there’s a temptation to read something sensationalist into it, but while, yes, it’s possible that something there is scandalous, the level of insinuation here is unsubstantiated.

Is it really that controversial? I’ve yet to hear a single person I’ve met (of any age or persuasion) actually complain about this. Yes, I too would prefer to spend less money, but I’d be surprised if that many people don’t understand why the increase has happened.

I’m all for casting the best person for the part no matter their race/gender/etc., but don’t take away Time Lords being real. I still need that. :-P 

I have to imagine their legal team is aware of anti-SLAPP laws.

Important legal factoid: truth is an absolute defense to defamation.

It’s not the worst Thor movie, but my main complaints were that it felt forced, and Thor himself was simply too stupid. In Ragnarok, Thor is a little dense, but also mostly responds the way you’d expect a slightly stodgy Norse god to act under the circumstances. He was depressed but engaging in Infinity War, and then b

Eh, I have all the respect in the world for the man and his films, but Scorsese can fuck himself on this one. Build in a goddamn intermission. If every scene of your film is so important that it has be 3.5 hours long, then your choice is either building in an intermission or expecting theatergoers to miss several

I subscribed to watch Jon Stewart, since the price was reasonable. So the current situation is not ideal.

I don’t think a single semester of law school went by for me without someone referencing that joke.

For me it entirely depends on what’s coming with the pasta. I’m a solid enough cook that there’s no point in ordering a basic bolognese or aglio e olio, since I can make a version at home that’s more to my taste for a fraction of the price. I also grew up in NJ and now live in DC, so the local standard Italian here

On the one hand, I definitely miss David Hyde Pierce in the new show and I dearly hope he’ll pop up at some point. On the other hand, the pitch about them owning a theater sounds truly execrable and I’m glad he turned it down.

Now, Sega, for the love of everything, just put a fraction of that money into porting Skies of Arcadia onto modern consoles (or PC).