
Lachlan looks like Martin Freeman to me at certain angles it was freaking me out. Rogelio was cracking me up this episode.Love that guy

I liked the way the show had Cole & Helen react to the affairs. No crazy screaming crying throwing crap hitting people which is what you typically see on TV affair reveals. They both had interesting reactions and you could see the range of emotions going through them.

I have a feeling Nate is going to turn on Annalise and not verify he was her alibi when that comes up

the reveal at the end really was a shock to me. which is surprising because I should have guessed it but I didn't and it was awesome. I was mad they were covering the murder up because it made no sense but I'll roll with it because of that reveal.

that speech i had to mute. it was so cringe-worthy I couldn't handle it

agreed there are tons inconsistencies and normally I just roll with it but it's becoming a bit distracting. However Jimmy knew they were at Dandy's because Paul saw Dandy at the store and he had some of the twins things or something like that. So paul suspected the twins were there and told Jimmy.

no one ever mentions "wish upon a star" either. a classic

ok phew my faith in you has restored

Downvoted for knowing that was a Big Bang Theory reference

Maybe Khan knows someone with mental illness or he suffers himself and that's why what happened to Carrie affected him more. I don't know I just really hope it doesn't progress into a romance but you never know this show

I enjoyed the scenery this episode- it was giving me I Am Legend vibes. Also enjoyed Carol and daryl together again. They got a benson-stabler thang going on I hope they keep it that way

Good episode but I am mad Saul got recaptured. I just in general dislike hostage plot lines but I get it. Also Khan is smoking hot don't get any ideas Carrie

I find her surprisingly below average in this. Shes a good actress in other stuff but in this she's real bad I dk why

laurel and frank scenes make me cringe so I change the channel and totally missed he has a gf. But not surprised nor care really. The promo's keep playing up #whokilledsam but I'm more interested in who killed Lila personally. I know we are led to believe its Sam and it most likely is but I'd love if it were Annalise

ya but then he tried to kiss her and she pulled away so that left me confused but I'll just roll with it

when did esmeralda start to care about Jimmy? I missed that transition. Dandy's temper tantrums are my favorite part of this show.

this show makes me never want to get married

ya I gotta say I actually turned my volume down because it was scaring me so much with the sudden an unexpected noises and shakes. but I loved it for that


that also confuses me because didn't she just meet this BF? LIke she hasn't been dating him that long it has to have been less than a month so why can't she just break it off it should be easy. Not like this is a long term relationship she is having trouble parting with