
Ya agreed Rebecca is just way too cliche. Piercings ya'll ! but I get why Wes is into her. He needs to save people he's had a rough childhood etc. I just don't get any of the other romantic connections. No heat between Laurel and Frank. He kisses her and she fake moans instantly. it's just off. Connor loving Ollie is

Give Murder a Chance. famous last words

hey hey Mellie is a legend in my mind too

she did confess but they are still asking that question so now I think they'll reveal she didn't actually do it and it was a false confession. I dont know how else to explain that unless it's a mistake

agreed but what does Frank see in Laurel? I'm confused why everyone on the show acts like Laurel is out of his league or something. What's wrong with him?

yesss it is so annoying. And how she tries to speak like a man by lowering her voice as if that makes her more edgy I dont know.

Quinn and Carrie? please no. Quinna & Farah? i'd watch it.

that pizza thing made me so mad. so mad. she runs upstairs because she is starving and hasn't eaten in forever and takes one bite of pizza then starts talking and forgets about the pizza. no no no that's not how it works

ya Im trying to figure that one out too. She was protecting Rebecca by getting the tape. And also Bonnie told that guy that Annalise's was having an affair with the cop so is this common knowledge or what? I guess I missed that

ok thanks I forgot all that. I only remembered him with the alcohol so it seemed out of nowhere

ya seriously. and was he an "optimist" before this episode? Because the recapper is calling him an optimist but I don't recall that ever being a character trait he had before he started throwing out rapid-fire cliches this epsiode. That's when I knew he was about to die soon

I figured Noah was talking about watching her have sex and thats what he meant by "with clothes on"

Damages was able to sustain that type of story telling by having a new flash-forward circumstance every new season. I don't know if this show will do that. I'm predicting season 2 will be them on edge trying to hide their secret and someone investigating them getting closer and closer for suspense. Then the season 2

it was very "rude"

No I meant the actress sounded the same. The way she moved her mouth and enunciated certain words reminded me of Kerry as Olivia. Their characters are completely different I agree.

because in his monologue to Annalise he was talking about the powerless, poor, people with nothing of the world and how he wants to help them. She represents that to him. and he probably wants to do her

Anyone else get a lot of Olivia Pope in Michaela's monologues? They sounded exactly the same

how can you call lifetime movie guy & American Dreams dad a "flop white husband".

the flashfoward/flashback transitions weren't smooth enough. In Damages you could easily tell what scene was past or future tense. I got a bit confused in this show though, thought the red hair girl in the end was taking place at a different time. But overall an interesting premier. A lot of people thinking law school

how to get away with murder? just tell the judge your google search history was to check the time. I swear your honor.