Harper Valley PTA

There’s no excuse for them not to be screamed out of every public space in DC. Start printing flyers with their faces and NOT WELCOME written below.

They can apply for entry into these restaurants, but they’ll be separated from their meals until the paperwork has been accepted.

FWIW I bought a pair of Tieks and was incredibly disappointed. I found them absurdly uncomfortable. Like, pins and needles, cutting off my circulation, digging into my heels uncomfortable. I wore them once and gave them to charity.

*goes to look*

There are rubber birkenstocks now! For beach pool and deluge!!!!

I’m glad to just be a non-celebrity boring midwest mom because I fall for that “it’s a bunch of women and we share experiences and support each other” crap all the time. But in my world, it just means I get stuck going to a lot of MLM parties rather than being recruited for a sex cult. Although to be honest, I’d

“Lee once again started moaning, and allegedly moved so her feet touched his genitals.”

If you’re actually looking for an honest politician, his name is senator Bernie Sanders.

There’s no reason not to like you; you’re awesome! The only person you still need to convince is yourself, and you’ll be in grand company when you love you like we all do!

I won’t lie, I’m one of those weird outliers that runs unmedicated because all the side effects (and believe me, I ran the gambit) made everything other than the one treated symptom WAY worse. That said, I still absolutely dip super hard once and again and tag myself, but it is very rare these days.

How bad are your swings? I weirdly had a SUPER hard time and struggled badly until I was diagnosed, but after recognizing the behaviors (massive depression swings, cutting due to OCD, and the manic states where I made insane choices) I’ve actually managed to kinda semi balance out?

I don’t have experience, but commenting so hopefully somebody who does will see you!

I had a baby you guys! She was born on February 14th, she’s a hilariously good baby and my c-section recovery has been a freaking dream. We’re already home after only 2 days in the hospital! Here’s a picture because I’m dying to show her off!

Meh. Parenting isn’t half as hard as Americans make it seem. Just takes boundaries and self awareness.

Look, some women can be the most ardent supporters of an oppressive patriarchal system. Pam has survived in spite of/by virtue of her physical attributes all her life and can’t see the forest for the trees.

If you are the type of person who considers Taylor Swift a bad bitch, then I guess you also think sour cream is spicy.

Yup... This actually reminds me of an event I’d forgotten from my own military service... One of the benefits of military service is the MAC flight. Service members and their families can sign up on a waiting list to potentially catch a military aircraft going anywhere the military flies, for very little cost. The

May this solider rest and his family be taken care of...... BUT FUCK Trump, that is so low. You SCREAM about patriotism and this man gave his LIFE, yet you still found the need to dismiss him and treat him like he didn’t matter. Patriotism isn’t the issue here. You’ve shown it with your actions the issue is simply who

Sidenote, the Obamas and the Bushes are consistently adorable with each other and it warms my cold heart.

she “dyed my hair blue. Mom wasn’t a fan of this decision. She took one look at me and immediately went out to the nearest drugstore to buy a $10 box of Nice’n Easy. That night, she forced me to dye my hair back to blond.”

I don’t care if the dog is male or female, I hope she named it Lady.