
When white people that politicians know start to be the ones getting shot BY OTHER WHITE PEOPLE.

This is gonna sound flippant, but I’m serious:

My media-obsessed black husband with a background in advertising takes his tablet into the bathroom when he showers. One morning he emerged and called me in and asked if he looked different. I was mystified and said no.

Americans need to get themselves together especially white women. I will not be putting on a cape to save nary a one of them heifers they can check me. Black people need to get it together, get educated, run for stuff, and vote, vote, vote. I will support every black candidate as long as they don’t have an R after

So happy to read this. I felt I was the only one who stopped with his azz. Was over him after the book and REALLY over him after Trump. Go get Becky you dumb behind. You THOUGHT she was your audience...nah....got you fooled bruh.

Michael, this was a devastating, well earned rebuke of Chrisette Michelle’s behavior. In fact, I’ve been asking myself: what’s more nauseating the fact that she “shucked” as you describe, for Trump and White Nationalists at the Inauguration, or this whole “self-victimization” campaign she’s been on every since.

That’s really cold!

This deserves waaay more stars of savagery.

This needs to be dramatized in a short film.

I don’t know if you folks feel like its the same, but i empathize with this issue as a gay man. I have several former friends who pretty much told me i was being ridiculous when i asked them not to casually throw “faggot” around 100 times a day. They seemed to think because “They didn’t mean it as a slur against gay

... why r u ‘friends’ with white people who use it

Bannon has been a lightning rod from Day 1. The reason he’s won so many of the inner-White House wars with other staff is because Trump is afraid of him. He knows that Bannon could destroy his presidency. The irony is that the second he hired Bannon is the minute the countdown started for the implosion of his

Unless Kelly had convinced Trump to hand him his phone, I have no doubts that he’ll be back to Tweeting childish, stupid shit. I chalk this spate up to trying to rebut charges of White House chaos following “The Mooch” fiasco.

If you’re blessed enough you’ll be one too. So watch it there.

I wouldn’t necessarily call it even a significant chunk of GOP opinion, but it’s clearly something I could see Donald Trump actually saying because he can’t. lose. a. single. argument.

I bet most Americans have an ancestor who came here not knowing English. There aren’t many who can claim their entire bloodline came straight from the Mayflower. We’re a nation of mutts, and we should be proud of that, at least, if nothing else.

Truly, the light that burns twice as bright, burns half as long...

The news lately is like what you would see in the prelude to a nuclear war in an 80 Made for TV movie.