
It’s the Senators. The other teams are bad but not “their best player left town because his wife was being cyber-bullied by the girlfriend of their 2nd best player” bad.

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

I don’t follow... are you requesting validation of colossally stupid anecdotes and/or opinions?

No, just not funny.

Goalpost moving. Classic troll move.

Is this satire?  I think this is satire. Is it?  

>>>>>”All I’m saying, regardless of the motivation behind the decision, if a restaurant refused service to an Obama official you guys would lose your collective minds. Don’t start with the “Obama never threw children in cages” because those photos were taken during his presidency.”

It literally takes 2 seconds of googling to learn that what was happening before isn’t even remotely the same thing as what Trump implemented and subsequently stopped after pressure. Jesus you people are so fucking thick and stupid, I don’t know how you manage to breathe on your own. 

False equivalency is false. 

It’s childish to stand up for your ideals and cowardly to risk being fired in retaliation? Interesting read on the situation you’ve got there.

how is putting your job at risk to stand up for human rights cowardly? you realize how easy it is to just keep your head down and do as you are told? what people like them are doing is hard and they are putting their financial security at risk for others who they dont even know. i suppose “because everyone else is

“But Obama...”

This may shock you, but skilled Microsoft engineers would have ZERO difficulty in finding new employers.

Yeah that whole “Obama did it too” thing has been fact checked by several news agencies already and it turns out that it was bullshit like much of the things that come out of this administrations mouth.

IBM automated genocide for the original Nazis during the Holocaust. Glad to see that some Microsoft employees don’t wish to be complicit with these latter-day Nazis.


Good thing reputable journalists are more empathetic than you are

This lovely artwork doesn’t excuse the fact that Last Jedi was a bad movie.

Literally how are you people not yet exhausted of hijacking these threads with the *exact* same “Sorry, [lazy connective tissue to article’s actual topic] but The Last Jedi was still bad” comments? Move on already, I promise it’ll all be okay.