
They destroyed his arc and gave it to Jon Snow, just like they destroyed Dany's and gave it to Tyrion

There's enough of a show history to say the context will be different. Even something as simple as Drogo's wound all the way back in season 1, the context is different and the logic is almost destroyed

Book Stannis is iron that would break before it bends, he would not resort to killing his daughter,

Shireen is at the Wall, Stannis is fighting the Boltons… not that hard to figure out

D&D don't really care about things like "timelines" so you have a point

Yeah! Who ever said kinslaying is a bad thing in Westeros?!!

Except the context will obviously be very different like every D&D adaptation.
Shireen will most likely be burned alive, but its not going to be Stannis that does it. Book Stannis is actually a cunning strategist and he's makes his people swear they will put Shireen on the throne should he die

Except show!Raven is a thousand years old, so he's not a Targaryen and hella alot older…

Yeah, thanks but we're done.

Apologize for what, putting up with you? I understand the words better than you, obviously because you haven't actually said anything of worth

Except Garlan and Willas are mentioned, Garlan for his skill in battle, Willas for his good heart and scholarly pursuits. There's plenty of evidence that they'll be the ones in the best position to stop Euron invading the mainland.
And again, Martin's own words trump whatever you happen to believe and the writers who

Yes it is

He is the bad guy the writers have been "building up", he can't fail until he has that cliched as hell throw—down with Jon Snow. He fights bare chested against Ironborn, he kills the more nuanced villains, and he gets Rickon Stark delivered to him by Northern lords, once loyal to Stark but now ally with a kinslayer(

It can also be a character that the writers want to succeed despite all logic and sense. And the gratuitousness of his actions seem to indicate D&D revels in writing them, there's no point of them anymore

Undisciplined with the actual writing time, sure, but not the story itself. There's no indication at this point that any of these plots lead nowhere, they're still ongoing and many are converging at their own pace

I'll trust the guy who didn't kill off most of Dorne just to "wrap up" the storyline.

A character who has everything go right for him IS a Mary Sue. Ramsay from the books is a blunt instrument, fights "like a butcher" and jeopardizes Roose's more nuanced plans.
Ramsay from the show kills anyone who goes against him, can infiltrate an enemy camp with "twenty good men" and he can fight Ironborn warriors

Th guy who is writing the text!

I'll trust the guy still writing a cohesive narrative, not the idiots who sent Sansa to get raped in Winterfell and made Elllaria Sand a kinslayer and child killer because of a petty revenge motive