
You must be kidding. LAX is actually one of my favorite large airports. Easy to find, easy to get through, good clear signs, open and airy. Of course, I haven't been there in a decade or two, so things might have changed... but I doubt they've changed that much.

Nobody suggested Heathrow? I find that hard to believe.

I'm sure there's some connection, but I just can't put my finger on it.

If they gave you the money, I bet you'd just use it buy a Veyron...

Good Lord! Don't tell me someone tried to *wash* an *electric car*!

How hard was that to figure out? If something — anything — make sense, you don't need a government mandate or subsidy to make it happen.

He should have put "Cummins" on the front and "Goins" on the back.

This. With "Love Shack" blaring from the speakers.

You like this? Seriously? It would mean nothing at all to me, except that you brought it to my attention, and even then, it's just basically, "Fancy Woman in Fancy Car Fancies a Walk". And of course that raises the question, "Why?" How uncomfortable, ugly, noisy, and /or smelly does a Fancy Car's interior have to

"I love Detroit, I know a ton of people who love Detroit. It's a twisted love that runs the gamut of emotions: Joy, disappointment, hurt, anger, fear, elation, delight, apprehension, courage, resentment, cynicism, stubbornness, optimism and confusion."

Agreed! Just saw Cadzilla while watching "My Head's In Mississippi" on the YouTube the other day. What a car!

Oh no! Will they have enough people left to cover Obama's bracket picks next year?

Okay, how about "took the crown for a joyride"?

Thank you for the insight. And thank you even more for the civil discussion. It's very nice (and unfortunately quite rare) to chat about this or any similar subject without someone eventually shouting or name-calling. I very much appreciate it!

Well sure, there are middle grounds... but I doubt any of them are stable. Your example of the UK is a good one. The UK used to have a fair homogeneous culture with sharply defined roles. The "haves" believed in "noblesse oblige", and the "have nots" "knew their place". As both of those conditions erode, things may

Many people use ERs instead of regular doctors (or even decent self-care), and have done so for a long time. This is just a special case of that, which is just a special case of the well-known "tragedy of the commons". This "social contract" of which you speak only works as a counter to the extent that classes and

Um.... Ross Perot?

Why do they have to waste so much space with the map pockets in the door and especially with a center console? Without those, there might be enough room for a grown man to drive one!

This is ridiculous. I've enjoyed watching Danica Patrick, both her struggles and her improvement, but come on. Cheerleading for a woman because she's a woman is celebrated; cheerleading against a woman because she's a woman is terrible, because it's sexist. Voting for a man because he has black skin is noble; voting