
You don't seem to understand that even FANTASY WORLDS AND STORIES have rules they have to follow otherwise they don't work. Show me where we've been told the ravens can teleport or a dragon can fly supersonic speeds and I'll roll with it. But when HBO and the showrunners start jamming shit to fit into a show that

Explain to me how a bird flies 1500 miles and then a dragon flies 1500 miles in the course of what? We don't even know. How long were they on that island? We don't know because the show gave us no indication. If you don't know if an hour has passed, a night or a week in an episode of TV it's probably an indication

More likely you're just a fanboy.

Enlighten me.

This episode was a "D."

Nobody ever mentions Frank Miller's Martha Washington books. Maybe because a sprawling sci-fi epic about a, to quote Miller, "Underdog of the highest order - black, female, poor," might ruin the narrative that he's a rabid racist and misogynist man monster.

That kid in 1992 never in his worst nightmares thought he'd look like this in 2106.

Pan's Labyrinth…

I'm more worried about that zit on her chin.

Arya's story was "stuck" in there at the end and didn't feel right.

How does one heel from multiple stab wounds to the gut without magical help?

He's the Executive Producer on the film and he almost certainly has a financial incentive in its success. That might have had something to do with the online reaction.

Is that the Lost Targaryen I saw in the teaser?

I played 2E as a kid from 1991-1996 and just started a 5E campaign. It's working out great. Yes, there are differences and I've changed some rules and stuff but it's still D&D. Play the adventure in the Starter Kit to see how you like it. Then move on to the Tyranny of Dragons two parter WOTC is releasing for a