
I’m right there with ya on the Tron. Annoyingly underappreciated. 2049? Yeah, maybe I need to see it again? I dunno.

You don’t have to write that book, the US is living it.
The boy is named ‘Donald’ and we can’t get him to shut the fuck up about all the wolves.

Huh. I didn’t even read into it as being about black experience at all. I mostly got family and lesbian coming of age vibes off of it. Lots of non-black families have similar dynamics in them, including the gay on the down low, bucking tradition, family secrets/denial, and suppression of mental health issues kinda

It sorta sucks you saw only that one. The entire two seasons have plenty of bits of gold. None of them are as good as Thanksgiving, but some are plenty fine and funny. The Italian episodes, the wedding and the weird Rashomon episode are pretty dern good too.

“Of course, old bedsheets would probably work just as well.”

[insert “dammit barry” here]

Yup. This.

Ah, but that’s not what’s happening If they sent us emails saying “Sorry for the delay, keep waiting” it would be fine. I would completely understand. Buuuuuuut they sent me one email five plus weeks ago saying I would get my card in five business days. Since then, I’ve received 15 emails where they say “Dear

They promised me I’d get my card six weeks ago. Now I just get emails saying “Your account will be activated because it looks like you received your card!”. Crickets from customer service.. They took my signup fee and so far I haven’t gotten shit. If I did have it, I would have used it a dozen times in the last two

There was speculation that AMC was developing their own discount club service and MoviePass ate their lunch.

Oh, I get it. I do read, but I generally end up reading so much stuff that my chosen escapism is preferably video based. I’m in the middle of The Snakehead, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, heliophysics, an income tax course, and a book on Android Java programming. Then there’s all the comics...The next sci fi book I’m

Damn. Scoundrels is a _book_. You expect me to reeeeeeead. Sigh. Ah well. Maybe soon. Thanks for the tip.

I dunno. I wanted my money back after watching that Kylo Ren themed travesty that was The Force Awakens. Some good bits, loved more ladies in the mix, loved less shitty CGI and more practical, but overall? Regurgitated bantha poo from the business end of a sarlacc. But Rogue One? I thought the Ocean’s Eleven in space

Came to say this. There were another few episodes of the same show that did animal stuff and spooky force stuff and meet with popular character stuff and mystical force stuff and larger space battle stuff and “oh no, my home planet/people/cousin” stuff.

Wellllllll. Yes and no. Blade Runner 2049 was definitely boring as fuck but the problem was they were desperately trying too hard to make it match up to the first film.

Justice League cartoon was funny on the reg. The WBTV stuff is funny a third of the time. The Batman show from the 60s? Find five minutes it wasn’t funny and I’ll give you a fish. And the comics? Watchmen, Batman, Sandman, and Swamp Thing are like the only comics that never have any funny in them.

Me, Bizzaro whatDOYouMeanYouPeople NO like you UNfunny comment. You NOT favorite dummy on Gizmodo QUALITY journalism site.

Everybody has a dark side.

Wait, 2 Broke Girls is cancelled!!!!!!!?!?!?!??!?!! WTF? Where do I get trashy sub standard laugh track giggles, oh wait shit. Big Bang is stilllll on. never mind

Um. Like half the restaurants I’ve ever been to, the waiter or waitress will say “I’m ____, I’ll be your server for this evening.” or “Your server will be right with you” or “I’ll be serving your this evening”. One who serves is a server or servant. Am I missing a definition or subtle distinction here?