
Thankfully I am past the point of pregnancy, but I have a daughter. If some nurse told my hemorrhaging daughter she’d pray for her, she’d better pray for herself because I am coming for her.  

I’ve worked in medical schools for 20 years and if a medical student admitted to violating a cadaver this way, that would be the end of medical school for that student. One of the most important things that medical students learn in anatomy lab is that these are not cadavers, they are human beings.

I have a theory that she purposely made herself look like Melania so she could land Don Jr. And she lets him call her Melania in bed too.

I don’t know. I used the TikTok hack of pouring heavy cream onto my cinnamon rolls before baking and they were bomb.

If the recipe calls for Campbell’s Cream of Chicken soup, I’m out.

“...phosphatidylcholine…that’s my favorite IV when I can find them. They’re quite hard to find.”

Pretty sure there are some interesting things in daddy’s background.  His wife filed for divorce before the pregnancy and expressed a fear that he would use her pregnancy to force her to stay in the marriage.  

My first got the hang of it pretty quickly and probably could have nursed till kindergarten. The second-just not interested. She’d nurse for two minutes and pull off. She’d arch her back and scream. She had colic. She was almost ten pounds at birth, and by 3 months she’d only gained about a few ounces (yes, a 10 lb

A couple of thoughts: doctors, midwives and doulas need to discuss c-sections as a regular part of prenatal care. Maybe you don’t want one, and don’t want to even entertain the thought, but the fact is you might need one, and it might be the difference between having a live baby and a dead one. I was determined to go

The hospital lactation consultants were fine. But when I got home and had trouble I called the local chapter of the La Leche League for help. And they were LESS than useless. Just keep trying, they said dismissively, as if I didn’t have a hungry 10 lb newborn attached to me 23 hours a day.

One of the things I hate intensely, is that over the last few years my compassion and sympathy for people has evaporated. Vote against your best interests, vote in someone who would tie your mother to the railroad tracks and watch her get run over, if it meant more money in his pocket-then you get what you get. Vote

There have been a number of times where I have thought about divorce and dismissed it because I just didn’t make enough money to take care of two kids on my salary.

I’ve been married almost 30 years. If I were to divorce or be widowed I would never date or marry again. I actually fantasize about living alone.

They’re just picking different things to base conspiracy theories on. The time stamps on the video. The fact that Pelosi has a drink in his hand. The outside camera shows the attacker’s shorts as white but the body cam shows them as a different color. I’ve even heard that Pelosi was with a hooker and this guy broke in

Back when the count down to the Olsen twin’s 18th birthday was avidly being discussed, Bob Saget made a comment about younger girls being more attractive because they had less body hair. 

My favorite is Diamond. This morning her cause of death was revealed to be heart disease due to uncontrolled high blood pressure , but yet Silk is insisting it was the Covid vaccine, even though she supposedly never had it.

I put my grungy baking sheet in the oven during a self cleaning cycle. Burned all the crap off and left it looking almost new.

How long before some conservative advocates teachers shooting children in self-defense?

I started taking Pilates last summer, after a breast reduction. You don’t realize how bad your posture becomes when you’re carrying all that weight up front. You know how you see these older women who look like their arms have suddenly gotten longer? It’s posture. I could barely stand up straight and my abs had all

That depends. I remember my brother crying over some schoolwork he didn’t understand, because my father was an abusive narcissist who bullied his children into believing that any grade less than an A reflected negatively on HIM as a father. I also remember how my father taught me to tell time, by forcing me to sit in