
It is kind of interesting, getting to know your siblings as adults and hearing their take on your shared childhood. I was the middle child, the only girl, sandwiched between a brilliant older brother and a popular younger brother. My older brother was the favorite of my father and shared many of his interests. My

I know what I want in the New Year. To be rid of Trump once and for all.

I feel like it’s only a matter of time before cameras catch Ted Cruz watching porn on his phone during a congressional hearing. The question is: what kind of porn?

It doesn’t matter what he says or how he says it or even what he does.  He’s a Republican and they will vote for him, no matter how incoherent and crazy he is.

Machine Gun Kelly has some Jon Hamm action going on, or am I just a pervert?

Back when Mitt Romney was running for president someone examined his finances and found that his charitable donations decreased his tax rate well below mine, even though I make a tiny fraction of his income. His donations went to the Romney Family foundation, whose chief beneficiary is yup, the Romney family. The rich

And Republicans did/do?

That doesn’t mean shit if people don’t vote for the candidates that support codifying Roe.  

Team Dylan here.  I find her TikToks infectiously joyful.

Would that be the same Capitol police seen moving barricades so riotors could enter the Capitol on Insurrection Day?

I’m 62. I am concerned about the economy, especially as I am only a couple of years from retirement, I hope anyway.

They both seem pretty high maintenance to me.

As a resident of Jacksonville FL, this doesn’t surprise me in the least.  This is Trump country and they have been emboldened. They don’t even try to hide it.

My thoughts exactly. Hialeah isn’t exactly a bastion of progressive thought.

Good. I can say at my institution we took that very very seriously; and forced researchers to give up their labs for far less.

High profile=research funding. Hate to say it, I’d bet Columbia overruled the IACUC or made some deal to sweep it under the rug.

The last six years, but I was associated with IACUC at a different research institution going back to 2007.  There have been updates to AWA and PHS Policy since then but the major legislation dates back to the 1960's. The major provisions of providing humane treatment and euthanasia to research animals haven’t

Guess what? Science includes animal research. Animal research is in fact more closely regulated than human subject research. No one likes it. But the fact is that you have to use living tissue for some research and you cannot administer hypothetical science to humans. In the last number of years, researchers have

So one of my weird little academic experiences was serving on an IACUC-that is the committee that is federally mandated to oversee animal use in research. It really surprises me that Columbia’s IACUC did not take these allegations more seriously, or perhaps they did and were shut down in favor of a high profile

Happened to a friend. Not domestic violence, but her husband cheated and when they separated, he left her with all the credit card debt he’d racked up buying stuff for the other woman like jewelry, computers and trips. She ended up paying it all so her credit wouldn’t be ruined.  He also was at least 30K in arrears in