Michael Cohen has said that the real danger is electing someone who has the worst instincts of Trump but is smarter. That is Ron De Santis.
Michael Cohen has said that the real danger is electing someone who has the worst instincts of Trump but is smarter. That is Ron De Santis.
I am so tired of these people who claim that full term, healthy fetuses are killed shortly after birth by doctors and nurses. After working in hospitals for 25 years, I have never met a doctor or nurse who would agree to such a thing. I’ve even had a friend whose husband is a doctor claim her husband has seen it…
I can totally picture Mike Pence and Mother using that sheet with-a-hole-in-the-appropriate-place, so their skin doesn’t actually touch.
Don’t we know by now that Stand Your Ground is only for straight white men?
I would totally watch a televised execution of Alex Jones. Maybe they could get a bunch of his victims to salvage him, a la Fred Waterford?
You’d think if more guns made somewhere safer, Texas would be the safest place in the country.
Yup. And the Cuban/Latino population pretty reliably vote Republican because of abortion too.
Dear Stacey, please move to Florida. We suck here too, and we need you.
I’ve reached the “I just want to do my work and go home” stage of my career. I don’t want to supervise anyone, attend professional conferences or seminars, publish, teach, none of it. It’s why I am leaving academia for the private sector a year before tenure.
We have this discussion with our millenial daughter all the time. She’s in her first “real” job and she says we have a boomer mentality about working. Which I guess we do. For instance she wants a 100% remote job and we’ve been so wedded to the idea that you go to an office that to make that a non-negotiable seems…
Back when I was in my 20s and my male colleague would call me to suggest that I perform oral sex on the men in the office for their birthdays, I was way too intimidated to speak up. When he threatened to show up on my doorstep, I was too frightened-scared of the potential for violence, scared to lose my job, scared I…
First rule of Republican orgy club is not to talk about Republican orgy club. You know that someone high up has had this dirt on Cawthorn and has been saving it for just such an occasion. He’s just too naive to believe it. I would imagine that pretty much all members of the Republican party are more than a little…
No one puts that much foundation, of any brand or type on like moisturizer. She took a big ole handful. She wanted it to look bad. I’m not sure why. For a joke maybe? She hates Bobbi Brown products?
Yeah there are a few states pushing bills that would make distributing LGBTQI materials punishable by jail time. And by distributing I mean, having the book in your library.
Just a question. If I, as a librarian, can be jailed or sued for indoctrinating kids with diverse beliefs by having “objectionable” books in my library, why can’t right wing media? Seems to me the families of the victims and the survivors might have a good case for a civil suit against Fox, Tucker Carlson et al. Yes I…
Yeah, my grandparents were immigrants. My grandmother was illegal in fact. She was illiterate and never spoke much English. Yet she managed to put three kids through college, and all had advanced degrees. My father’s first job was cleaning spittoons in his uncle’s barber shop when he was six years old.
I will never understand how one can pound a chicken breast thin enough to roll neatly, but not tear through it.
Said it before, will say it again. It would be less cruel to just line all refugees up against the wall and shoot them. Sad thing is all the so called pro-lifers and christians and conservatives would probably record it for their private spank banks. It’s like the US believes both the Handmaid’s Tale and the Purge…
“she should make that decision with her doctor and between her and her God.”
He’s trying to make himself out to be a pillar of morality in an immoral world. Which, if was actually as moral as he’d like us to think, all those co-eds at his college wouldn’t have accused him of creepy sexual behavior and outright assault.