
yet the more Christian this country becomes, the more hate filled and divisive. Curious.

Rhetorical question.  

Just a disgusting way to talk about your infant daughter. And I thought the GOP was all about non sexualizing children? Calling your infant daughter a woman, and talking about peeking under the “hood” and being her boyfriend sounds pretty sexual to me.

I’m willing to bet, if Judge Jackson repeated back verbatim answers from Barrett and Kavanaugh’s hearings, the GOP would lose their collective shit.

In the video, Gordon not only has his license in his hand, he tells the cop he has his license in his hand. 

Yesterday I read an account on Twitter by a woman who was trying to get through the trucker convoy in DC. She told the trucker and his wife that she was trying to get to a doctor’s appointment. He said he would only let her pass if she swore to him that she was not on her way to get an abortion. (She wasn’t even

Why are so many of these evangelicals and other powerful married to Ukrainian women?

Perhaps if Josh Duggar had received messages about health sexuality he wouldn’t have sexually abused his sisters; and he wouldn’t be in jail for child porn.

If 120,000 single voters had decided not to vote in 1960, Richard Nixon would have beaten JFK.

It worked for Rosemary Woodhouse, although the baby wasn’t quite as cuddly as she might have envisioned.

Then who will you vote for?  I guess waste a vote on an independent or third party candidate who has absolutely no chance in hell of being elected? Or just not vote at all?

I don’t get it. So you don’t want to vote for Democrats because they failed to repeal Hyde, but abortion is still (technically) legal. So then you’ll vote for Republicans, who’ll make abortion completely illegal and perhaps punishable by jail or even death, if you listen to some of the extremists.

Exactly.  All these conservatives screaming at low wage workers to get a real job are the same ones who are now screaming that there’s no one to serve them a hamburger.

I’m so fucking sick of people saying no one wants to work. People want to work, they just don’t want to work for crap wages and to be treated like they are as dispensible as the dirt on the bottom of Kim’s Louboutin.  

Gum up the works. Start reporting people like Ken Paxton for aiding and abetting transgender children. After all, he did consent to dinner with a family with a transgender child; doesn’t that infer tacit approval? Start reporting the wives and daughters and mistresses of the uber conservatives that support this

Back in the old days, before books were banned, my dad worked as a high school librarian in a high school with a majority black enrollment. He had to lobby the school board to let him buy books by Eldridge Cleaver, Dick Gregory, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, instead of the usual JD

Colorblind=blind to people of color, their lives, their histories, their experiences.  

Here are some terrible thoughts I’ve been having more frequently over the last few years. I’m glad that my life is almost over, because I don’t think I could live in the US under the extremists that currently seem to be spreading like kudzu in every facet of life here; I’m very sorry that I brought children into this

Will upper class women still have access to abortion? Yes. Will the wives, girlfriends, daughters and mistresses of the rich still have access to abortion? Yes. That’s really all you have to know.

We used to fight over the parmesan rinds. Whoever got it in their soup was the winner. Chewy, nutty delicious. Don’t waste it on the dog.