
I’ve used the bottom of a saucepan for years.

Vigilante justice may be the only form of justice left. 

Surprised DeSantis managed to say anything at all, while gasping for breath during his bout of Covid, which we all know he has but won’t own up to.

I live in Florida where our governor has steadfastly refused to institute any precautions whatsoever and has gone so far as to strip pay from school boards that vote for mask mandates. As a result the number of cases keep going up and up and up.

In my white neighborhood, all crime is attributed to “gangs from (nearby) city. Never mind that we are set back in an area that you’d have to know how to get to; there are multiple neighborhoods with only one way in and out; the roads tend to wind around with circles and cul de sacs (I have to use GPS in my own

worked in an underserved K-6 school as a school librarian. The only new books we got all year-for a school with 800 kids and some of the lowest reading scores in the state, were purchased by me. The principal refused to spend the money and even confiscated money I made from the scholastic book fair-which was meant to

Squid Games-American style.

What’s with the white nationalist haircut too?

These are people who think you can implant an ectopic pregnancy, so...

I’m an old. And throughout the years I’ve been friends with; worked for; dated; shopped at businesses, whatever. Because it never used to matter.

Have these people ever lived in the real world, where pregnant women are denied jobs and housing simply for being pregnant? For having children? Or for being single mothers? Heck I didn’t get a promotion once, because I was a newlywed and they figured I’d be going on on maternity leave within a year. I remember being

I listen to audiobooks when I drive, and the one I just finished takes place in England and involves a mass shooter. The thing that really struck me is how all the characters are just aghast that anyone could get hold of a gun, much less conduct a mass shooting. And I’m thinking, as I listen, someone has a gun and is

Not advocating for vigilante justice, but perhaps having broomsticks shoved up their asses might help both judge and rapist have a bit of perspective.

My father always hated thanksgiving because of this story: I was away at college so my father invited a friend, Ed to Thanksgiving dinner. So it was my grandmother, Ed, my brother and my parents. Ed was an alcoholic and my father begged him to be sober because my mother had a drunk abusive father and she had a hard

My spouse had his first marriage annulled.  Money speaks loudly in the Catholic church. They ought to just post a price list in the nave.

I think it’s higher. Remember we’re all sinners, right?/s

Pregnant people are not excluded from clinical trials; they are considered a vulnerable population and the investigators have to provide additional protections in order to obtain approval by the Institutional Review Board. This includes data from both preclinical studies and from testing in non-pregnant women.

I’m an old but if I were a young I’d definitely be into him.

Boycotting again this year because no Jesus.

Sad to see that Gaga has gone goo-goo.