
I work for an agency that makes requests for salary and employment info from Equifax on a daily basis. The information they provide is not always accurate. Sometimes I request the same info twice, and get different details each time. I don’t know how they got to be so powerful, but their info is hit and miss, and many

Oh, wow. This is all coming together . . These white women randomly going off are some crazy kind of Manchurian Candidates, where they are being subliminally hypnotized through their radio listening habits and keeping their tv’s tuned to Fox. Then, when they hear a certain phrase, or see a certain circumstance, they

This is true IF you live in an area where you can get decent reception. I live 35 hilly miles from the TV towers in my area, and a good signal is impossible for all channels all the time. I’m tired of fighting with over the air TV.

I’ve known several cats who enjoy a good game of catch, and after a while most learned to fetch and drop the object (typically crumpled paper) at my feet. Back in the day I had a kitty I called OzzieCat because she caught like Ozzie Smith, the acrobatic Cardinals shortstop - leaping in the air, flips, and generally

I found the MAGA-looking guys way more disgusting than the idea of anyone wearing socks in the pool. I just love how articulate and composed Ms. Porter was. The white people just keep looking more and more foolish while the black folks they seem so uncomfortable around just keep looking like the solid citizens they are

I am so tired of my age being pointed out by younger employees. And they are always SHOCKED that I know about anything from this century. Reminder: I am not your parent. Don’t be so surprised when you learn that I can differentiate between Bright Eyes and the Mystic Valley Band, and that I get excited when Franz

If only . . .

Sunday afternoon, around 4pm here, and I am on my second glass of wine. Thanks for the trip in the way-back machine. You have produces a melancholy I wasn’t expecting. Or maybe it’s just the wine. I do remember when Casios were it, tho.

C’mon - we were really bored that year. Nothing more.

and anyone cares because . . . ?

unless you are wanting to watch a certain variety of cherry?

Your title is missing an e

Gas stoves typically have front knobs. Even the cheap ones. It lessens the risk of reaching past an open flame to shut off the burner. When we moved to our current house, we replaced the electric with a gas stove, and I became aware of this difference while looking at stoves. Never thought about it before.

Thanks for posting this video. Once I got past the chef’s sing-song-y voice, I decided I could do this. I have a pizza dough recipe I used every week, so it was nothing to throw it together, and now we are enjoying my first attempt at soft pretzels, and they’re not half bad. :)

No, he should live so he will be able see just how wrong he is.

I have a basic barbell with a few weights and a couple of dumbbells. Just what’s needed to get started. I just need to get myself organized and quit procrastinating. Thanks for the nudge! :)

I had to look up pistol squats. Holy crap! I think maybe when I was 15 I coulda done that. https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/pistol-squat My balance is so poor, I’d fall over for sure trying to do that (and I’ve got weak knees, too). Good luck to you on that. I admire your desire. Flexibility-wise, I can almost