
was that supposed to make sense?

Your opinion on the matter is shit. especially when the fan outcry has been the exact opposite.

No. That was a stupid ass comment, mine was accurate.

Why should I have to SEARCH through COMMENTS to read an apology?

Is that supposed to make me feel better? You think that them wanting to recast with a different black girl when the one they have is amazing and doesn't need to be recast should make this better? As if the writers wouldn't be at fault for the source material in either case?

I am to please.

Her acting was amazing. She killed every episode she got to be a part of, she always does amazing with emotional scenes, and actually makes this show 100x more tolerable to watch.

I blame him for stating she should be Recast. Which he edited out to make it look like he's not racist.

Then I think you need to go back to middleschool with bobby and figure it out Mr. Hill.

What else could he have meant when the original article stated he wanted Iris RECAST???????