
while several other individuals were menaced by them.

Hey there Dr. Moreau.

Is it otter mating season? This sounds like a very territorial male.

Dumpster fires will be a vital part of society come the nuclear winter.

40% is still too damn high.

Perhaps he is determined to us up all his cocaine before getting arrested.

I just watched his on-air MSNBC appearance, and I beg to differ. Dude looks like he found allllllll the cocaine.

I feel like the people he surrounds himself are such unstable idiots with coke addictions that I’m actually shocked that one of his lackeys has taken this long to go rogue. Can we just put them all on an island and see what happens? They’d tear each other apart in 2 days. That’s a trump reality show I’d watch.

You vs the girl he tells you not to worry about:

You have to be a complete idiot to just casually admit to investigators that you lie your ass off constantly.

Fortunately, we have choad Paul Ryan letting people skate for contempt.

It’s like in the X-files when their eyes turn black.

I’m having a hard time believing she’s only 29. Shit, at the rate she’s going she’s gonna look full-on like 60-something Maria Shriver in 5 years.

Okay, fine, I’ll take one for the team:

Abortion doesn’t end, it just becomes more deadly. Women will seek abortions whether they are legal or not. Women will attempt to preform abortions on themselves, they will give random people all their money in return for a fatal hemorrhage, all to be not pregnant. Even with well funded birth control and sex ed

To recap, again, the Biblical Law on abortion:


I would love it if Heaven is not what Pence thinks. I would laugh in his face. I would find him amidst the billions of people in the afterlife just to laugh in his face. Yes, I’m petty.

The point you make about the quickening is the number one reason I get pissed off with Christians being anti-abortion. The Bible itself gives us the idea of it not being alive until the mother feels the baby move. That’s around halfway through the pregnancy. FFS.

No - because I refuse to grant the point that any times Mike Pence has ever have could reasonably be called “sexy.” However they do appear to have children so I will grant that he may have written “sexual congress with Mother (have turkey baster ready just in case!)” in his daily planner at least three times.

I have a lot to say on the matter but for now I’ll just say this: I am not terribly inclined to take advice or direction on anything tangentially related to sex from a man who calls his wife “Mother.”