
Please, god, stop saying “canon.”

First of all, is anybody the least bit surprised by this? It’s as if nobody has ever watched porn before.

I feel like I don’t need to see this now. Thank you.

While I fully recognize Watkins’ ownership over her own story, and the appeal of attacking real or perceived iniquities in literature and the business of literature — though, the utility of literature (or the business of it) as a proxy for society, or a force for social justice, is a worthwhile question — it’s pretty

Ummm... Good article and all, but I’d like to point out that $1500/month is cheap by California childcare standards and mightn’t be the most useful proxy for economic-elite baiting. For comparison, Stanford’s “subsidized” childcare for its faculty is $2200.

Am I the only person in the world who’s bored to tears by Mindy Kaling and how amazing she finds herself?