
i have no evidence, BUT, an abrupt closure like that? i smell embezzlement

doesn’t really matter. i’ve yet to see the report system do ANYTHING. blizzard claims that they read them, but i really don’t think they do. it’s like a child writing a letter to santa. nothing happens.

uhm, i hate to break it to you, but 99.999999% of music recorded today is recorded digitally. THEN the digital copy is transferred to an analog record

that will NEVER happen

i hope they fix the wifi issues that still plague the nexus 6. i’ve pretty much given up on using wifi on my nexus 6. it makes me wonder if project fi is even worth getting, because i know they rely heavily on wifi.

it’s not because it’s a dangerous chemical, but how it reacts to proteins. hence, why you don’t want to breathe it in. there is nothing dangerous about this if used properly.

i would be more interested if obama’s adminstration would go after the telecom and cable companies for obvious anti-trust violations. all the while jabroni liberals are talking about how much they hate corporations, and they want net neutrality, and yet ignoring the obvious.

you do realize, by the “rich” buying these “luxury” items first, it advances technology so the masses can purchase it in the future at an affordable cost right? do you know how much the first laptops were? how much the first cell phones were? *facepalm*

I went to my old community college to pick up transcripts, and the entire, and i mean 99%, school is now hispanic. Everyone around me was speaking spanish. Now i’m not saying they’re ALL illegals, but you would be ignorant to think that a good portion of them are, or are children of illegal immigrants. Those illegal

the children of non-tax paying “residents” have seriously taxed the government funding of public schools. this “bubble” isn’t going to burst as long as we give “amnesty” to non-tax paying “citizens”.

fuck you asshole! hahaha jk

UH, what about when the invented the large screen phone with the ip6+, wireless payments with apple pay, and smart watches with the apple watch?

Why would you want to cripple it with osx?