
"Miller's Crossing" does this as well — seems pretty explicit.

This is nonsense.  I lived in Bulgaria for two years as an English teacher in the Peace Corps, and Bulgaria is no more dangerous than any other country.  There is definitely corruption and organized crime, but a visitor to Bulgaria is no more likely to be involved in it than you are to be involved in corruption and

Well hey
I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Bulgaria for two years, so I think I will definitely be checking it out. Bulgaria is a pretty fascinating place. They have a really complicated relationship with their past and their future, and I think there's some pretty fertile ground for short stories to cover.

I saw this at the Film Forum in New York last night, and I think this review exactly sums up my thoughts on it. Some of the music was great (and some of it was head-scratchingly bad), some of the stagings were interesting, and some where just bizarre. I thought it was going to be a documentary and not a 90

Regency, not Victorian
I'd just like to point out that Austen's books take place during the Regency, not during the Victorian era. Victoria didn't take the throne until 1837 and Austen died in 1817.

Who needs courage when you've got a gun?