
If this supporters group really wants to understand misappropriation of a hashtag they should talk to phones about the pound sign.

Generally, I hate a lot of different kinds of people. But these anti-vax/anti-med shit heads are some of the fucking worst. Like if you put this woman and Richard Spencer next to each other I’d have a hard time deciding who to punch first.

When people say “We survived Reagan, you’ll survive Trump” I like to remind them of the Reagan-led genocide of (primarily) gay men. So no...fuck you. We did not all survive Reagan. My generation (and some of the Boomers) lost the best and brightest of us all and we’ve never recovered from that loss.

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

As far as “how do I approach,” you’re right that there’s a lot of sleazy shit (and sleazy guys) out there. What I found worked best for me was simply to say, “Hi, my name is (Arnheim). Do you have a minute to chat?”

-Me, 11/8/2016

I cannot agree strongly enough with the “We put ourselves under so much pressure to feel good. It’s OK to feel bad” statement. One of the most important things we ought to teach kids is that it’s not only just OK to feel sad or upset or even angry at times, it’s right to feel like that sometimes.

It’s times like this when you kind of regret presenting yourself to the world as “charming taint man”.

the woman who shat her pants that day was thanking god for that rose though.

“commercial real estate guy”

General rule: if something you do can be compared fairly to something Ted Bundy did, stop doing that thing.

He looks like what Dwight Schrute would look like if he swallowed a starfish.

If someone spews Nazi shit in your face, punch a Nazi. Its a clear cut, tried and true method of dealing with them. Failing to do so means that one Nazi might turn into two... or four. Or 400. They breed with each other like rabbits spewing their hate and their vitriol. Write down their names. Tell the places they

You should know that the rest of us find existing with you and the other people that say shit like this fucking exhausting.

>>> “...defined as......involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger). As far as we know at present, the youngest girl whom Moore allegedly pursued was 14 years old...” <<<

I’m concerned this may undermine his credibility.

It is kinda circular logic, but the weird thing (particularly in football) is that it actually IS a self-perpetuating machine. For the most part, schools that were widely respected powerhouses in the 1970's were also widely respected powerhouses in the 1990's are also widely respected powerhouses now.

Nazis literally tried to kill my grandparents, but luckily the grandparents of other people killed a bunch of Nazis. I’m just fine punching them in the motherfucking face, just like they deserve, as a sign of respect to our grandparents.

If Gwynnie could cure my migraine headaches and fibro with cooter crystals and steam, she can have all my money. Better her than Big Pharma. But my guess is I should not hold my breath. So I’ll just keep laying here, mid-flare (thanks for fucking up my refill, CVS).

I absolutely detest Garrison Keilor. He sounds like a movie construction of a pedophile with his heavy mouth breathing and drawn out stories.