
Wasn’t the fireflies, sadly. The legit way was pretty cool, though. 

The thing is, though, its strikes are are so damn slow that it definitely takes some getting used to. During my first run with it, I nearly gave up and abandoned my escape attempt. But by the time I made it to the satyrs, I was murking everyone very quickly and still had full health when I defeated Hades (though, that

I’m late to the game, I know, but I had to let you know how much I appreciate your comment. Thank you. 

I live in Columbia, SC, and it’s an open secret, it at least a pervasive rumor, that Graham can frequently be found at the Capital Club, a “genteel gay gathering place” as described by their website.

No doubt. And no less a disgrace. 

I always associate those two films with each other, to the point where it consistently takes me a few seconds to remember which is which whenever one or the other comes up. I don’t know why (maybe because of the long-ish names and/or both being released the the same year).

For sure. I built my current PC in 2012, and since then I’ve only upgraded the GPU (twice, from two 660 TIs in SLI to a 980 to a 2080 super). I can still run most games at close-to-ultra settings with mostly-ancient hardware. 

Really, I’m probably as hard-left as you’ll find (at least in my region), and, man, this sorta shit is profoundly stupid. And this dumb shit adds to the broad strokes with which the right loves to paint us. I hate it. 

This article makes me miss Deadspin so much every time I read it, but I can’t help myself from continually coming back. Even though I never got out of the greys, I miss the Deadspin community so fucking much. Fuck g/0 media, and fuck new deadspin. Long live Gawker and long-live Deadspin. Die in a fire Spanfeller, you

Why my parents let my little 8-year-old self watch RoboCop is still a mystery, but that scene seriously fucked me up. 

Hammers really can be seriously dangerous, especially if used improperly. Years ago, a coworker on a construction crew was using a hammer sorta like a flat bar, hammering it underneath some old hardwood flooring with another hammer in order to pry it up, if that makes sense. A piece of one hammer shattered off and shot

Really? My YouTube TV recordings have clearly been actual recordings and not the streaming versions. Because half the time the shows I record are missing a minute or two off either the beginning or the end. Surely, streaming/on-demand wouldn’t have this issue.

Given the overlap between the demographic most likely to be wiped out by covid-19 and the demographic from which Trump and his GOP stooges draw their strongest support, you’d think this administration would be less inclined to downplay the gravity of our highly-contagious predicament. 

I’m only commenting so I can tell you how much I’ve appreciated reading the reasonable, nuanced comments you’ve made throughout this whole discussion. The internet would be a much better place if more people were even half as thoughtful. I mean it. 

I put hundreds of hours into the first two games, but the third one hasn’t really moved me. I’ve basically forced my self to keep playing, all the way to level 30, in the hope that eventually I’ll cross the hump where it becomes fun, but it just hasn’t. I’ll play for an hour or two and then realize how little I’m

Are you saying turmeric is the CBD of food seasonings?  

For sure. Also, I’ve been eating two teaspoons of turmeric a day since 2016, and I have just as much Chlamydia today as I had when my ex first appropriated for me a bottle of the stuff from Trader Joe's. 

Yeah, I have a 2019, Colorado V6 I bought brand-new. It’s averaged ~21 mpg over it's lifetime, and that’s with primarily city driving. On the highway, the best I’ve gotten is 31 mpg over a 50-mile stretch. Then again, maybe I just drive like a senior citizen these days. 

So, that’s what’s going on with those fellas. I saw the article last night, and I couldn’t get my head around the fucking wild haircuts and stretched-out white tees. Thanks for giving it some context. Still, though, the fucking haircuts. My God!

There was a time when I would’ve gladly paid for a monthly subscription to the Kinjaverse... But then the fuckers spiked Deadspin into oblivion and took away the only website I still gave a shit about.