She’s an ETHICS professor??
She’s an ETHICS professor??
This whole terrible thing was a big “win” for them, so I can see why they won’t it go. But jokes aside, I personally cannot imagine what drives someone to drop whatever they’re doing as soon as a google alert comes in to comment on Jezebel.
I guess that’s fair.
This reminds me of that thing when Kelly Clarkson wanted to buy Jane Austin’s ring and British people were all up in arms about a piece of their culture leaving the country.
Man trolls who have already commented: Do you refresh Jezebel constantly? Have some kind of google alert on this topic? I am genuinely curious.
good lord I hope no one ever takes a high definition close up photo of my face.
aw crap gotta cancel my audible trial
Is this one of those things where a doctor will click through the gallery on happenstance and somehow detect testicular cancer and then we have a heartwarming cancer survivor story?
Medical records???? Really? People should be more scared right now.
look at that butt
I went to SM Town in 2010, which was like the capstone of my minor kpop interest (I was more into kdramas). After that, I kinda lost the thread of whats “in”, but Super Junior will always be my fav lol.
Oh I had the ticket thing! But not the ice tank... kind of disappointed >.>
Freeform doesn’t sound like a tv channel name.
I will definitely be bookmarking that site.
Okay, sorry. As you can see, I get defensive (the close relative is my mom and I’ve seen her struggle with this for nearly 20 years). I’ve also, while working in a food service situation, have seen other workers turn spotting fad diet people into a game so I’m wary because of that.
Okay, but I don’t get why it’s you job to “test” people. Like what happens if you misread a deer in the headlights look? What happens when you decide someone’s just “being trendy”?
I went to the Titanic exhibit in SF and touched the little piece of hull, saw the stacks of plates, saw the recreation of that staircase, and bought a White Star blanket. I’m not even into the Titanic. But damn! Plates that had been under the ocean in a shipwreck for decades!
Yeah, I was wondering if they had meant gluten-free brands and was having a little panic moment that nothing is safe haha.
That’s starting to freak me out.
I’ve been researching it for my own issues and would really hate for it to be then next snake oil cure diet lol. But so many people say that it’s worked for them that I am really leaning towards trying it.