
umm so if sound travels at around 350 meters/second, and the furthest runner is no more than 25 meters away from the closest runner (that's a guess), then we are talking about around .07 seconds. Yes, that can still make a difference, but still nowhere close to the .3 seconds claimed here...

articles like these make me wish giz had an editor or writer with a background in medicine (i'd be happy to oblige). sections of DNA are methylated to turn on/off the expression of genes controlled by that section of DNA. this is not the same as changing your genetic makeup, but rather how genes are expressed and

all i could think of was strafe strafe strafe strafe strafe

sound waves do not disrupt any 'electrical signals' in your body. its POSSIBLE (maybe) to damage internal organs by excessive vibrations (and i mean really excessive), but in no way is this going to mimic the effects of a seizure during which your muscles are actually contracting and relaxing very rapidly, not to

that's not quite how it works... you need a large amount of current in a short period of time to start a car.

"Drivers who had completed their training and passed their tests did better on memory tasks than those who failed as well as the control group."

you go to the ER with severe abdominal pain and get a CT scan to rule out appendicitis. the doctor comes back, relieved, and tells you it was just some gas. you yell ,'HOW THE HELL CAN YOU KNOW I DON'T HAVE APPENDICITIS BY LOOKING AT A STUPID SCAN. CUT ME OPEN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF.' i don't have a witty ending for

yea the camera is fast, but did anyone else notice how bad the image quality is? and there is definitely something wrong with the sound capture during video.

yup, let's go to another planet and use up all ITS resources.

it's spelled 'Ritalin,' genious.

Read lips? Recognize emotions? I call bullshit. Here's why: Even the best lip reading human will not be 100% accurate, because despite the processing power of the human brain there are still too many variations to accurately predict what's being said 100% of the time. A similar analogy can be made for recognizing

there are going to be some veeerryy disappointed children at thanksgiving dinner

so android released a 'feature' with no conceivable way of using it. More throwing crap and the wall and waiting to see what sticks.

this is such a gargantuan waste of energy

if you need DNA to prove something isn't counterfeit, then I'm presuming the fake is every bit as good as the original, in which case why the hell would you pay more for the authentic. Just a case of stupid preconceived notions between brand and quality...

what's most amazing is not that he dips it, but that he wrings out out before using it. and not by squeezing it, but actually twisting it tighter and tighter!

FakeClockUp to speed up animations on a 3GS (I think this decreases load time for apps because it doesn't have as long of a block set aside for the animations)

not sure how this can be considered HDR. true HDR takes a picture at several different exposures and then combines them to provide details in the shadows and the highlights. i dont see how this can be done on live video. to me it just looks like a high contrast and high saturation filter has been applied. if you look

you know i thought i knew quite a bit about display technologies but i still learned a few things from this article. great job!