
Yeah, you are right. I can't find anyone who likes classical music or literature, not even Oscar Wilde. There is so much good stuff out there, but when you think about it, people have always wanted to hear these stories. There's Beowolf, The Tain, The Mabanogi, etc… Hell, mythology in general all have superheroes. It

I still get the feeling that this is what people want to see. I personally cannot stand most movies today; however, it's a little like being condescended to by a drug dealer, handing you coke with one hand while he insults you for getting hooked on this stuff. Those last Star Trek movies, part of the problem. If he is

Just seems a little narcissistic. Who does he think his movies are for and how do we get to your level, then? So if I like this stuff in real life I'm a child, but if I film it and it makes money, then I'm ok, like you Simon? I am not so sure about that. Why do you hate your audience Simon? You going all John Lennon

Just seems a little narcissistic. Who does he think his movies are for and how do we get to your level, then? So if I like this stuff in real life I'm a child, but if I film it and it makes money, then I'm ok, like you Simon? I am not so sure about that. Why do you hate your audience Simon? You going all John Lennon