
But that’s a problem for the Dubai police to worry about, they have Ferraris in their fleet.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to outfit each Abrams tank with a Duck Dynasty dude?

Nothing. She should drive nothing because this movie shouldn’t be made and the franchise needs to die already.

We got tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic BALL breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks...

Jerry, buddy, I appreciate the kind words, but this is getting a little ridiculous now. Every single post you are hitting it with a ton of plugs, it is a bit distracting.

just remember you assholes, we are all free to shit post online and not worry about our families being killed. America FTW

They’re lucky to have escaped Fanadik Island before being eaten by the native fauna.

Haven't read the article yet, just glad to see you're alive Tyler! #tylerisfree!

Yeah, you clearly haven’t worn the cloth of your nation.

Actually presidents aren’t required to salute, since they are not in uniform and are civilians. It’s something that Reagan started. And the part about the pilot is bullshit.

“pilot refused to fly until Obama apologized..”

Confidence and a knife is even better...

Yeah, must be horrible to have a POTUS that doesnt send you and your buddies to war on a whim, right?

He’s our Tyler and we want him now!

Too bad Texas doesn’t have any vast quantities of land usable for renewable resources like wind or solar to develop instead...

I wonder if they will paint a little jeep on the fuselage...

Why build it once when you can build it twice for twice the price?

Reports are coming out that the new attack helos are capable of utilizing Russia’s most advanced precision guided weapons:

Measures. Check.